
Bitcoin wallet address list :D

Primary LanguageTypeScript


All Contributors Build Status Coverage Status

This app is aimed at helping people that deal with cryptocurrency transactions, like lending money to friends, making small payments, etc. Initially its focus is to behave like a bitcoin users catalog app, that you can save and share contacts with their wallet addresses and qr codes.


Requirements to use this project:

npm (Node Package Manager, it comes with node.js installation)

In case you're not with the latest version of npm:

$ sudo npm install npm -g
Cordova & Ionic Cli

To install both of them on your system just launch this command:

$ sudo npm install cordova ionic -g

Install NPM Dependencies

Once you clone this repository, run this command on your terminal to install all needed dependencies:

$ npm install

Launching the App

After installing the needed dependencies you are done, launch your app with a simple

$ ionic serve

Run Tests:

Run tests in watch mode:

$ npm test

Then, to run it on a device/emulator, run:

$ ionic cordova platform add android
$ ionic cordova run android

or, for ios:

$ ionic cordova platform add ios
$ ionic cordova run ios

Substitute ios for android if not on a Mac.


Thanks goes to these wonderful people (emoji key):

Andre Luis Araujo Santos

💻 🤔

Paulo Gabriel


Mike Schwartz


Gabriel da Silva Rosa


Khaled Shaaban

💻 🤔

Luis Guilherme

💻 🎨

This project follows the all-contributors specification. Contributions of any kind welcome!