A blueprint to kickstart Mobile KMP projects.
This is a blueprint for Mobile KMP projects to start right away reducing initial setup cost.
This project is work in progress. It contains several experiements and will change heavily over time.
It is currently undergoing architectural and organisational changes that focus on renewal of the current approach and removal of experiments.
- Kotlin Multiplatform
- Android App
- iOS App
- Desktop App
- Jetpack Compose & Jetbrains Compose
- Material 3
- CI Setup with GitHub Actions
- Dependency versions managed via gradlePlugin and version catalogs
- Kotlin Static Analysis via ktlint and detekt
- Issues (bug report + feature request) and Pull Request Template
- Documentation with MkDocs and Material for MkDocs
- Android 5.0.1 (API 21) to Android 13 (API 33)
- Kotlin 1.7.20
- Java 11
- Gradle 7.5
- Android Studio Dolphin | 2021.3.1
- Jetpack Compose Compiler 1.3.2
Use this template for creating a new repository.
Remove README.md and CHANGELOG.md and replace them by TEMPLATE_README.md and TEMPLATE_CHANGELOG.md. Change the placeholders to your own definitions:
Assets could be placed under docs/src/assets/
folder and images should be placed in docs/src/assets/images/
If you like to use badges, have a look at badges how to.
This project is work in progress. We are working on adding more functionality, guidelines, documentation and other improvements.
See the open issues for a list of proposed improvements and known issues.
All notable changes to this project will be documented in the changelog.
We use Semantic Versioning as a guideline for our versioning.
You want to help or share a proposal? You have a specific problem? Report a bug or request a feature.
You want to fix or change code? Read the Code of Conduct and contributing guide.
See releasing.
Copyright (c) 2019-2022 Wolf-Martell Montwé.
Please refer to the ISC License for more information.