My reading of academic papers and research notes.
Main topics: sentiment analysis and automatic intelligence.
- Topic:
- Description of an unsupervised neural network reaching 90% accuracy in sentiment classification. Based on 1 month of training, using 4 GPUs. It does not need any labeled dataset.
- Authors: Alec Radford, Rafal Jozefowicz, Ilya Sutskever (article published by Open AI)
- Link: Blog Article, Paper
- Date: Apr 2017
- Topic:
- simple models VS complex models
- Authors: Medamind Blog
- Link: Article
- Topic:
- language understanding via agents that learn words in combination with how they affect the world, rather than spotting patterns in a huge corpus of text. Supporting Gary Marcus's ideas.
- Authors: Igor Mordatch (OpenAI), Pieter Abbeel (OpenAI)
- Link: Paper - Blog Article
- Topic:
- Analysis of NLP research in 2004/2015, in order to identify state of NLP research, trends and define a roadmap
- Link:
Feb 2016
- Topic:
- Sentiment-based meta-level features for sentiment analysis on short text.
- Meta-level means: e.g. derived from bag-of-words representation.
- Example: sentiment distribution of the k-nearest neighbor of a document; document polarity of neighbors given by unsupervised lexical-based methods
- Performance:
- Tested on 19 datasets.
- Superior by 16% to bag-of-word representation; largely superior to the best lexicon-based method.
- Benefits:
- Transform original feature space into a smaller and more informed one
- Link:
Oct 2015
- Topic:
- Sentiment Embeddings - Encode text not only with context, but also with sentiment -
- Performance:
- Outperforms on multiple datasets the context-based embeddings
- Benefits:
- Inspire same encoding in other specific tasks
- Apply encoding to improve sentiment
- Link:
- Topic:
- Rules for aspect extraction
- Performance:
- High precision and recall (>90% on certain datasets)
- Benefits:
- Link:
Oct 2013
- Topics:
- Gap on IE techniques between market and research community, and a roadmap to fill the gap. Gap caused by different perception of usefuless of rule-based systems by the research community
- Link: or Link
- Find papers from intersection of language acquisition, semi-supervised learning, and sentiment analysis