- andsSpliced Inc
- AyresAndreyBrazil
- bagobor
- chepa92Israel
- cnheiderMapsPeople A/S
- drawkulalocalhost
- duckythescientistNoVA
- DvorsonAmsterdam
- enjoyneeringnoname
- franmmdMadrid
- froquede@fake-skate
- GruppioBologna, Italy
- hansbickhofeHans Bickhofe
- iHallyTinker Space Byron Bay
- imkindaprogrammermyselfManila, Philippines
- ISchiavon
- Jamiro75
- JayBigGuy10Tauranga, NZ
- KennethEhmsenOrange Design One
- kriswinerPesky Products, a Tlera Corporation Co
- MEolmez
- mguludagLuxoft
- nachocpolRockstar Games
- orinocoz
- psyhloVarna
- RobertoD91Naples
- rosterlohRichard Osterloh Engineering Ltd
- samster395UK
- sschuellerZürich
- sun-exploitOrange
- vivian-ng
- vr6syncro
- wzy-99huazhong university of science and technology
- yuri-malyshev
- zhdan88vadim