
SPRING: Your Facebook Escape Hatch.

SPRING: Your Facebook Escape Hatch

SPRING is an “escape hatch” for Facebook users who are frustrated by Facebook’s abuse of their personal data and want to reclaim control of their data. The app downloads Facebook users’ data and helps them understand how Facebook is using it, giving them a first step toward taking control of their data.

Browse our FAQ to learn more.

Getting started


Current Sprint: 4


  1. Get to Apple App Store
  2. Show user control of data


  • Skip get data from onboarding (5)
  • Browse data categories (3)
  • Export user data (3)
  • Delete user account (2)
  • Allow update to user data (3)
  • Multi-language support (1)

Estimated velocity: 17 (See our dashboard at https://github.com/bitmark-inc/spring/projects/1)


  • Sprint period: Mar 10th 2020 - Mar 23th 2020
  • Daily scrum: 9:15 AM ICT via Zoom
  • Sprint review: 14:00 Mar 23th 2020


tags: Products SPRING