
PHP client for the BitMart API

Primary LanguagePHP



License: MIT

BitMart Exchange official PHP client for the BitMart Cloud API.


  • Provides exchange quick trading API
  • Easier withdrawal
  • Efficiency, higher speeds, and lower latencies
  • Priority in development and maintenance
  • Dedicated and responsive technical support
  • Provide webSocket apis calls
  • Supported APIs:
    • /spot/*
    • /contract/*
    • /account/*
    • Spot WebSocket Market Stream
    • Spot User Data Stream
    • Contract User Data Stream
    • Contract WebSocket Market Stream
  • Test cases and examples


composer require bitmartexchange/bitmart-php-sdk-api


API Documentation


Spot Public API Example

use BitMart\Lib\CloudConfig;
use BitMart\Spot\APISpot;

require_once __DIR__ . '/../../../vendor/autoload.php';

$APISpot = new APISpot(new CloudConfig([
    'timeoutSecond' => 5,

// Get a list of all cryptocurrencies on the platform
$response = $APISpot->getCurrencies()['response'];

// Querying aggregated tickers of a particular trading pair
$response = $APISpot->getV3Ticker("BTC_USDT")['response'];

More Examples:

Spot / Margin Trading Endpoints

New Order(v2) (SIGNED)
use BitMart\Lib\CloudConfig;
use BitMart\Param\SpotOrderParam;
use BitMart\Spot\APISpot;

require_once __DIR__ . '/../../../vendor/autoload.php';

$APISpot = new APISpot(new CloudConfig([
    'accessKey' => "<your_api_key>",
    'secretKey' => "<your_secret_key>",
    'memo' => "<your_memo>",

$response = $APISpot->postSubmitOrder(new SpotOrderParam([
    'symbol' => 'BTC_USDT',
    'side' => 'buy',
    'type' => 'limit',
    'size' => '0.1',
    'price' => '8800',
    'clientOrderId' => 'test20000000001'

echo json_encode($response);

Spot WebSocket Subscribe Channels

Subscribe Private Channel: 【Private】Order Progress

use BitMart\Websocket\Spot\WsSpotPrv;

require_once __DIR__ . '/../../../vendor/autoload.php';

$ws = new WsSpotPrv([
    'accessKey' => "<your_api_key>",
    'secretKey' => "<your_secret_key>",
    'memo' => "<your_memo>",
    'xdebug' => false

// Subscribe Private Channels
        'op' => "subscribe",
        'args' => [
            // Only Support Private Channel
    function ($data) {
        echo "-------------------------" . PHP_EOL;
Subscribe Public Channel: 【Public】Ticker Channel
use BitMart\Websocket\Spot\WsSpotPub;

require_once __DIR__ . '/../../../vendor/autoload.php';

$ws = new WsSpotPub();

// Subscribe Public Channels
        'op' => "subscribe",
        'args' => [
            // Only Support Public Channel
    function ($data) {
        echo "-------------------------" . PHP_EOL;
        echo print_r($data);

Futures Market Data Endpoints

Get Contract Details

use BitMart\Futures\APIContractMarket;
use BitMart\Lib\CloudConfig;

require_once __DIR__ . '/../../../vendor/autoload.php';

$APIContract = new APIContractMarket(new CloudConfig([
    'timeoutSecond' => 5,

$response = $APIContract->getContractDetails("BTCUSDT")['response'];

echo json_encode($response);

Futures Trading Endpoints

Submit Order (SIGNED)

use BitMart\Futures\APIContractTrading;
use BitMart\Lib\CloudConfig;
use BitMart\Param\ContractOrderParam;

require_once __DIR__ . '/../../../vendor/autoload.php';

$APIContract = new APIContractTrading(new CloudConfig([
    'accessKey' => "<your_api_key>",
    'secretKey' => "<your_secret_key>",
    'memo' => "<your_memo>",

$response = $APIContract->submitOrder(new ContractOrderParam([
    'symbol' => "BTCUSDT",
    'clientOrderId' => "test3000000001",
    'type' => "limit",
    'side' => 1,
    'leverage' => "1",
    'openType' => "isolated",
    'mode' => 1,
    'price' => "10",
    'size' => 1,

echo json_encode($response);

Futures WebSocket Subscribe Channels

Subscribe Private Channel: 【Private】Assets Channel

use BitMart\Websocket\Futures\WsContractPrv;

include_once __DIR__ . '/../../../vendor/autoload.php';

$ws = new WsContractPrv([
    'accessKey' => "<your_api_key>",
    'secretKey' => "<your_secret_key>",
    'memo' => "<your_memo>",

// Subscribe Public Channels
        'action' => "subscribe",
        'args' => [
    function ($data) {
        echo "-------------------------" . PHP_EOL;
        echo print_r($data);
Subscribe Public Channel: 【Public】Ticker Channel

use BitMart\Websocket\Futures\WsContractPub;

include_once __DIR__ . '/../../../vendor/autoload.php';

$ws = new WsContractPub();

// Subscribe Public Channels
        'action' => "subscribe",
        'args' => [
            // Only Support Public Channel
    function ($data) {
        echo "-------------------------" . PHP_EOL;
        echo print_r($data);

Extra Options


How to set API KEY?

$APISpot = new APISpot(new CloudConfig(
          'accessKey' => "your_api_key",
          'secretKey' => "your_secret_key",
          'memo' => "your_memo",


Set HTTP connection timeout and read timeout.

$APISpot = new APISpot(new CloudConfig(
          'timeoutSecond' => 5


If you want to debug the data requested by the API and the corresponding data returned by the API, you can set it like this:

$APISpot = new APISpot(new CloudConfig(
          'xdebug' => true


How to set API domain name? The domain name parameter is optional, the default domain name is https://api-cloud.bitmart.com.

$APISpot = new APISpot(new CloudConfig(
          'url' => 'https://api-cloud.bitmart.com'