
Objectives for select CompTIA certifications formatted in Excel. This offers an easier method of capturing notes by domain/topic and easily identifying areas where additional study might be necessary.


Objectives for select CompTIA certifications formatted in Excel. This offers an easier method of maintaining notes by domain/topic so you can easily identifying areas where additional study might be necessary.

I used the 501 template for Sec+, and it was invaluable in being able to combine my notes from so many different sources.

I used highlighting (green) behind those sections that I knew hands down, and different highlighting (red) behind sections where I needed further information to be able to fully understand.

But when you download these, you can modify them to however they work for you.

These are made by human, so I can't be responsible for any changes that CompTIA makes, but I did include the cert version# on each file name!

Good-luck, and happy studying!