
[Deprecated] Another Discord bot that streams listen.moe to your server.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Official Listen.moe discord bot

The official deprecated discord bot that streams from listen.moe to your discord server. Check out the migrated project over here!


  • After you've added the bot to your server, join a voice channel and type ~~join to bind the bot to that channel. You need to have the "Manage server" permission to use this command.
  • At any time, anyone can use the "Now playing" command to see what song is being played and who requested it.
  • The bot's "game" will alternate between the server count and the currently playing song every 15 seconds.

Command list

This list assumes a prefix of ~~.

  • ~~join Type this while in a voice channel to have the bot join that channel and start playing there. Limited to users with the "manage server" permission.

  • ~~leave Makes the bot leave the voice channel it's currently in.

  • ~~np Gets the currently playing song and artist. If the song was requested by someone, also gives their name and a link to their profile on forum.listen.moe.

  • ~~help Shows a real basic usage help which is the same one that appears the first time the bot joins a guild.

  • ~~ignore Ignores commands in the current channel. Admin commands are exempt from the ignore.

  • ~~unignore Unignores commands in the current channel.

  • ~~ignore all Ignores commands in all channels on the guild.

  • ~~unignore all Unignores all channels on the guild.

  • ~~prefix <new prefix> Changes the bot's prefix for this server. Prefixes cannot contain whitespace, letters, or numbers - anything else is fair game. It's recommended that you stick with the default prefix of ~~, but this command is provided in case you find conflicts with other bots.

Run it yourself

NodeJS version 7+ is required.

  • Clone the repo.
  • Create a Discord OAuth application and bot account.
  • Rename/duplicate config-sample.json to config.json and fill out the relevant information.
  • Install dependencies from npm.
  • Install ffmpeg - if on Windows, make sure to add it to your PATH.
  • Run the bot with node --harmony listenmoe.js or if you use pm2 pm2 start listenmoe.js --node-args="--harmony"