
Demo app using Marvel API

Primary LanguageSwift

Marvel Demo App


Run bin/setup

This will:

  • Install the gem dependencies
  • Install the Carthage dependencies
  • Install homebrew and SwiftGen (I'm using SwiftGen for image and localization statics)

API Keys

The project expects a keys.plist to exist in the project. It's not included in this repo. In order to make this project work you should create that keys.plist with keys:

  • marvelPrivateAPIKey
  • marvelPublicAPIKey


Run bin/test

This will run the tests from the command line, and pipe the result through XCPretty.

3rd Party libraries used

  • ReactiveCocoa - I ❤️ FRP
  • Reusable - Because using strings as cell identifiers is ugly as hell
  • Moya - I love the idea of using an enum for API and it works really well
  • Gloss - My choice for json parsing on swift
  • Moya-Gloss - Moya&Gloss helpers
  • Kingfisher - Cell and cover images set to an UIImageView
  • CryptoSwift - To calculate marvel hash