
Custom Domain Name

If you want the application deployed with a custom domain name, you must provide the following optional parameters.

In an effort to keep the terraform clean and reusable, the domain-specific logic that powers the (which is driven from this repo) has been moved to the pipelines. The GitHub Actions pipelins specify an environment variable called TFVARS_AUTO_JSON which is then converted to a file by a BitOps before script.

If you fork this repo, you'll need to take care in your pipelines to ensure you are working with domains as you'd expect.


domain_name - Provide the root/apex domain name to create a Route53 hosted zone.


domain_name - Root/apex domain name to issue ACM SSL certificate, includes wildcard (*) subdomains.

subdomain_name - Domain name for CloudFront, will be the primary domain for end users to access the application.

hosted_zone_id - Hosted Zone id. Created from global-tools/terraform/ when global-tools/terraform/terraform.tfvars -> domain_name is set

No Custom Domain Name

The CloudFront default domain name should be used to access the application if the above optional parameters are omitted. The default CloudFront domain name can be found in aws_cloudfront_distribution.cf_distribution_nodom.domain_name or from the AWS CloudFront Console.