
Alertmanager webhook for Telegram

Primary LanguagePython

Alertmanager webhook for Telegram using Flask

Bot is intended to send alertmanager notifications to a specified chatID.


  • pip install -r requirements.txt

Change on flaskAlert.py

  • botToken
  • chatID

Alertmanager configuration example

  - name: 'telegram-webhook'
    - url: http://ipFlaskAlert:9119/alert
      send_resolved: true

One way to get the chat ID

  1. Add bot on channel
  2. Send message on this channel with @botname
  3. Access access the link https://api.telegram.org/botXXX:YYYY/getUpdates (xxx:yyyy botID)


  • python flaskAlert.py

Running on docker

docker run -d -e bottoken="telegramBotToken" -e chatid="telegramChatID" -p 9119:9119 vvk123/alertmanager-webhook-telegram:latest