
Python helper scripts for golos blockchain

Primary LanguagePython


test Documentation Status

This is a python scripts collection for golos blockchain network.

For documentation on reusable parts, pleasee see documentation on reathedocs.

  • donation.py - make a donation for post
  • change_password.py - change all account keys using random generated password or user-provided
  • calc_vesting_reward.py - calculate profit from vesting holdings
  • claim.py - claim balance from accumulative to tip or vesting
  • inflation.py - calculate current inflation or model long-term inflation
  • generate_keypair.py - just generate private and public keypair
  • transfer.py - transfer some money to another account
  • transfer_to_vesting.py - transfer GOLOS to vesting balance (Golos Power)
  • get_balance.py - display account balances
  • get_balance_multi.py - display balances of multiple accounts
  • estimate_median_price.py - look up current witnesses price feeds and calculate new expected median price
  • estimate_gbg_debt.py - script to estimate system debt in GBG, see ESTIMATE_GBG_DEBT
  • get_post.py - get and print post/comment
  • get_props.py - script to display global properties
  • get_median_props.py - script to display current votable parameters
  • get_voting_power.py - calculate current voting power of specified account
  • get_bandwidth.py - calculate used bandwidth of the account. Can be used in scripting as monitoring tool (-w 75 -q)
  • get_vesting_withdraws.py - find all vesting withdrawals with rates and dates
  • get_conversion_requests.py - find all GBG conversion requests
  • get_feed_history.py - script to obtain GBG price feed history
  • get_miner_queue.py - script to display miner queue
  • get_median_voting.py - get witnesses voting for a particular chain param
  • get_inflation_voting.py - show voting for inflation targets properties
  • get_witness.py - script to obtain current info for specified witness
  • get_witnesses.py - script to display known witnesses, sorted by votes
  • post.py - publish post to the blockchain
  • sea_biom.py - print Golos Power for each sea habitant level
  • create_account.py - create child account
  • find_transfers.py - scan account history to find transfers
  • upvote.py - upvote/downvote post or comment
  • withdraw_vesting.py - withdraw from vesting balance of one account to specified account
  • withdraw_vesting_multi.py - withdraw from vesting balance of multiple accounts to specified account
  • delegate_vesting_shares.py - script to delegate vesting shares
  • witness_approve.py - vote for witness
  • witness_disapprove.py - remove vote from witness
  • update_witness.py - script to manipulate witness data in the blockchain, see UPDATE_WITNESS


  • golos node 0.18+

Installation via poetry

  1. Install poetry
  2. Run poetry install to install the dependencies
  3. Copy common.yml.example to common.yml and change variables according to your needs
  4. Now you're ready to run scripts:
poetry shell

Installation via pip

With pip you can install golosscripts package, which provides various functions and helpers:

pip install golosscripts

How to use

  1. Prepare working environment using virtualenv (see above)
  2. Copy common.yml.example to common.yml and change variables according to your needs