The factory allows you to create a staking contract and implement a liquidity mining or staking program for a any ERC20 tokens.
Everyone can create a liquidity mining initiative program for ERC20 token. Participants - Stakers proportionally of share stake get rewards in ERC20 token while the program will not end.
- Create liquidity pool to Uniswap, SushiSwap.
- Customize the program time.
- Configure contracts and deploy to Mainnet
- Create a request to publish a contract for PlasmaFinance by creating issue pull request.
Set the address of the token for the reward and start the work of the factory smart contract in the migration file. '2_deploy_contracts'
ETH_REWARDS_GENESIS = 1614162900; // Add new unix deploy date
Set the running time of the program, it will start when you call the notify method.
uint256 public rewardsDuration = 720 hours;
truffle migrate --network mainnet
truffle run verify StakingRewardsFactory --network mainnet
Create your Token LM or staking pool on Etherscan.
- Go to Write contract and adjust the settings with your deployer wallet.
- Setup Deploy.
- Set a StakingToken for example a liquidity pair example pair tokens P-LP, UNI-V2, SLP.
- RewardAmount of Reward Token.
- RewardTotalAmount of Reward Token.
- stakingToken (address)
- rewardAmount (uint256)
- rewardTotalAmount (uint256
Call Write and Sign TX
Fill in the address of the Staking Factory contract so that you can call the notify method to send the reward token to the staking contract.
- Go to Write contract and adjust the settings with your deployer wallet.
- Set a StakingToken for example a liquidity pair example pair tokens P-LP, UNI-V2, SLP.
- RewardAmount - Amount of Rewards token for remuneration are sent from the contract of Staking Factory.
- stakingToken (address)
- rewardAmount (uint256)
Call Write and Sign TX