
This repository keeps track of all meetings held at Bit Project over Zoom. Meetings held by various teams are located within their respective folders.

  • Developer Relations (/devrel)
  • Engineering (/engineering)
  • People (/people)
  • Marketing (/marketing)

Our Philosophy on Meetings

  • Smile Turn on your camera when you login to Zoom. This will help to make the customer/prospect feel more comfortable as they are certain your undivided attention is geared towards them.
  • Have an Agenda Always have an agenda prepped and ready to go. Share this with your audience. Make sure that everything on the agenda is accurate and ask if there’s anything missing that needs to be addressed during this call or for the future. When there is no agenda, it translates to you not caring.
  • 70/30 Rule Ask open ended questions that leave the audience talking 70% of the time, while you are talking 30% of the time. Please note that this varies based on the type of meeting that you are conducting. Be conscious of what questions needs to be asked and to capture those items.
  • Take Notes Effective note-taking is a valuable skill that will help you retain and recall any important details. Be the person who remembers all the details of your audience's needs.
  • Adapt to Audience Tone Before going into the business portion of your meeting, evaluate first the tone of the audience. Adapt your tone accordingly in order to appeal to various types of personalities.
  • Mid-call Half-way through the meeting, check in with your audience. Ask them what their thoughts are on the progression of this meeting and if what you're presenting is on the right track. This helps both you and the audience by re-aligning expectations and making sure the meeting is going the right direction.
  • Pre-Close Summary 10 Minutes (1-hour meetings) or 5 minutes (30 minute meetings) prior to ending the call, ask the audience to build out an agenda for the next step or meeting. This helps to secure next steps and to ensure there are no balls dropped.
  • Post Meeting Action Immediately write down notes and next steps and input into this repository.

This repository is managed by the people team at Bit Project ( Please contact for additional questions