
Airbitz iOS wallet

Primary LanguageObjective-C

Airbitz iOS

Build Airbitz iOS in xcode

git clone git@github.com:Airbitz/airbitz-ios-gui.git

cd Airbitz
cp Config.h.example Config.h

Paste API keys from Airbitz into Config.h fields. API keys for Airbitz Core can be obtained from https://developer.airbitz.co

Install Cocoapods

sudo gem install cocoapods

Update Airbitz 'Podfile' to pull AirbitzCore from developer.airbitz.co

Uncomment the following line from 'airbitz-ios-gui/Podfile'

pod 'AirbitzCore', :http => "https://developer.airbitz.co/download/airbitz-core-objc-newest.tgz"

Comment out the following line

pod 'AirbitzCore', :path => '../airbitz-core-objc/'

Install the pods

pod install

Fire up the xcode project

open airbitz-ios-gui/AirBitz.xcworkspace

Once in xcode you can run Command-R to run it in an emulator.