
Xcode Archive for iOS step

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Xcode Archive & Export for iOS

Step changelog

Automatically manages your code signing assets, archives and exports an .ipa in one Step.


The Step archives your Xcode project by running the xcodebuild archive command and then exports the archive into an .ipa file with the xcodebuild -exportArchive command. This .ipa file can be shared, installed on test devices, or uploaded to the App Store Connect. With this Step, you can use automatic code signing in a CI environment without having to use Xcode. In short, the Step:

  • Logs you into your Apple Developer account based on the Apple service connection you provide on Bitrise.
  • Downloads any provisioning profiles needed for your project based on the Distribution method.
  • Runs your build. It archives your Xcode project by running the xcodebuild archive command and exports the archive into an .ipa file with the xcodebuild -exportArchive command. This .ipa file can be shared and installed on test devices, or uploaded to App Store Connect.

Configuring the Step

Before you start:

  • Make sure you have connected your Apple Service account to Bitrise. Alternatively, you can upload certificates and profiles to Bitrise manually, then use the Certificate and Profile installer step before Xcode Archive
  • Make sure certificates are uploaded to Bitrise's Code Signing tab. The right provisioning profiles are automatically downloaded from Apple as part of the automatic code signing process.

To configure the Step:

  1. Project path: Add the path where the Xcode Project or Workspace is located.
  2. Scheme: Add the scheme name you wish to archive your project later.
  3. Distribution method: Select the method Xcode should sign your project: development, app-store, ad-hoc, or enterprise.

Under xcodebuild configuration:

  1. Build configuration: Specify Xcode Build Configuration. The Step uses the provided Build Configuration's Build Settings to understand your project's code signing configuration. If not provided, the Archive action's default Build Configuration will be used.
  2. Build settings (xcconfig): Build settings to override the project's build settings. Can be the contents, file path or empty.
  3. Perform clean action: If this input is set, a clean xcodebuild action will be performed besides the archive action.

Under Xcode build log formatting:

  1. Log formatter: Defines how xcodebuild command's log is formatted. Available options are xcpretty: The xcodebuild command's output will be prettified by xcpretty. xcodebuild: Only the last 20 lines of raw xcodebuild output will be visible in the build log. The raw xcodebuild log is exported in both cases.

Under Automatic code signing:

  1. Automatic code signing method: Select the Apple service connection you want to use for code signing. Available options: off if you don't do automatic code signing, api-key if you use API key authorization, and apple-id if you use Apple ID authorization.
  2. Register test devices on the Apple Developer Portal: If this input is set, the Step will register the known test devices on Bitrise from team members with the Apple Developer Portal. Note that setting this to yes may cause devices to be registered against your limited quantity of test devices in the Apple Developer Portal, which can only be removed once annually during your renewal window.
  3. The minimum days the Provisioning Profile should be valid: If this input is set to >0, the managed Provisioning Profile will be renewed if it expires within the configured number of days. Otherwise the Step renews the managed Provisioning Profile if it is expired.
  4. The Code signing certificate URL, the Code signing certificate passphrase, the Keychain path, and the Keychain password inputs are automatically populated if certificates are uploaded to Bitrise's Code Signing tab. If you store your files in a private repo, you can manually edit these fields.

If you want to set the Apple service connection credentials on the step-level (instead of using the one configured in the App Settings), use the Step inputs in the App Store Connect connection override category. Note that this only works if Automatic code signing method is set to api-key.

Under IPA export configuration:

  1. Developer Portal team: Add the Developer Portal team's name to use for this export. This input defaults to the team used to build the archive.
  2. Rebuild from bitcode: For non-App Store exports, should Xcode re-compile the app from bitcode?
  3. Include bitcode: For App Store exports, should the package include bitcode?
  4. iCloud container environment: If the app is using CloudKit, this input configures the com.apple.developer.icloud-container-environment entitlement. Available options vary depending on the type of provisioning profile used, but may include: Development and Production.
  5. Export options plist content: Specifies a plist file content that configures archive exporting. If not specified, the Step will auto-generate it.

Under Step Output Export configuration:

  1. Output directory path: This directory will contain the generated artifacts.
  2. Export all dSYMs: Export additional dSYM files besides the app dSYM file for Frameworks.
  3. Override generated artifact names: This name is used as basename for the generated Xcode archive, app, .ipa and dSYM files. If not specified, the Product Name (PRODUCT_NAME) Build settings value will be used. If Product Name is not specified, the Scheme will be used.

Under Caching:

  1. Enable collecting cache content: Defines what cache content should be automatically collected. Available options are none: Disable collecting cache content and swift_packages: Collect Swift PM packages added to the Xcode project

Under Debugging:

  1. Verbose logging*: You can set this input to yes to produce more informative logs.

🧩 Get started

Add this step directly to your workflow in the Bitrise Workflow Editor.

You can also run this step directly with Bitrise CLI.


Build a development IPA:

- xcode-archive:
    - project_path: ./ios-sample/ios-sample.xcodeproj
    - scheme: ios-sample
    - distribution_method: development

Build a development IPA with custom xcconfig content:

- xcode-archive:
    - project_path: ./ios-sample/ios-sample.xcodeproj
    - scheme: ios-sample
    - distribution_method: development
    - xcconfig_content: |
        CODE_SIGN_IDENTITY = Apple Development

Build a development IPA with overridden code signing setting:

- xcode-archive:
    - project_path: ./ios-sample/ios-sample.xcodeproj
    - scheme: ios-sample
    - distribution_method: development
    - xcconfig_content: |
        CODE_SIGN_IDENTITY = Apple Development
        PROVISIONING_PROFILE_SPECIFIER = 12345678-90ab-cdef-0123-4567890abcde

Build a development IPA with custom xcconfig file path:

- xcode-archive:
    - project_path: ./ios-sample/ios-sample.xcodeproj
    - scheme: ios-sample
    - distribution_method: development
    - xcconfig_content: ./ios-sample/ios-sample/Configurations/Dev.xcconfig

⚙️ Configuration

Key Description Flags Default
project_path Xcode Project (.xcodeproj) or Workspace (.xcworkspace) path. The input value sets xcodebuild's -project or -workspace option. required $BITRISE_PROJECT_PATH
scheme Xcode Scheme name. The input value sets xcodebuild's -scheme option. required $BITRISE_SCHEME
distribution_method Describes how Xcode should export the archive. required development
configuration Xcode Build Configuration. If not specified, the default Build Configuration will be used. The input value sets xcodebuild's -configuration option.
xcconfig_content Build settings to override the project's build settings, using xcodebuild's -xcconfig option. You can't define -xcconfig option in Additional options for the xcodebuild command if this input is set. If empty, no setting is changed. When set it can be either: 1. Existing .xcconfig file path. Example: ./ios-sample/ios-sample/Configurations/Dev.xcconfig 2. The contents of a newly created temporary .xcconfig file. (This is the default.) Build settings must be separated by newline character (\n). Example: COMPILER_INDEX_STORE_ENABLE = NO ONLY_ACTIVE_ARCH[config=Debug][sdk=*][arch=*] = YES COMPILER_INDEX_STORE_ENABLE = NO
perform_clean_action If this input is set, clean xcodebuild action will be performed besides the archive action. required no
xcodebuild_options Additional options to be added to the executed xcodebuild command. Prefer using Build settings (xcconfig) input for specifying -xcconfig option. You can't use both. -destination is set automatically, unless specified explicitely.
log_formatter Defines how xcodebuild command's log is formatted. Available options: - xcpretty: The xcodebuild command's output will be prettified by xcpretty. - xcodebuild: Only the last 20 lines of raw xcodebuild output will be visible in the build log. The raw xcodebuild log will be exported in both cases. required xcpretty
automatic_code_signing This input determines which Bitrise Apple service connection should be used for automatic code signing. Available values: - off: Do not do any auto code signing. - api-key: Bitrise Apple Service connection with API Key. - apple-id: Bitrise Apple Service connection with Apple ID. required off
register_test_devices If this input is set, the Step will register the known test devices on Bitrise from team members with the Apple Developer Portal. Note that setting this to yes may cause devices to be registered against your limited quantity of test devices in the Apple Developer Portal, which can only be removed once annually during your renewal window. required no
test_device_list_path If this input is set, the Step will register the listed devices from this file with the Apple Developer Portal. The format of the file is a comma separated list of the identifiers. For example: 00000000–0000000000000001,00000000–0000000000000002,00000000–0000000000000003 And in the above example the registered devices appear with the name of Device 1, Device 2 and Device 3 in the Apple Developer Portal. Note that setting this will have a higher priority than the Bitrise provided devices list.
min_profile_validity If this input is set to >0, the managed Provisioning Profile will be renewed if it expires within the configured number of days. Otherwise the Step renews the managed Provisioning Profile if it is expired. required 0
certificate_url_list URL of the code signing certificate to download. Multiple URLs can be specified, separated by a pipe (|) character. Local file path can be specified, using the file:// URL scheme. required, sensitive $BITRISE_CERTIFICATE_URL
passphrase_list Passphrases for the provided code signing certificates. Specify as many passphrases as many Code signing certificate URL provided, separated by a pipe (|) character. Certificates without a passphrase: for using a single certificate, leave this step input empty. For multiple certificates, use the separator as if there was a passphrase (examples: pass|, |pass|, |) sensitive $BITRISE_CERTIFICATE_PASSPHRASE
keychain_path Path to the Keychain where the code signing certificates will be installed. required $HOME/Library/Keychains/login.keychain
keychain_password Password for the provided Keychain. required, sensitive $BITRISE_KEYCHAIN_PASSWORD
fallback_provisioning_profile_url_list If set, provided provisioning profiles will be used on Automatic code signing error. URL of the provisioning profile to download. Multiple URLs can be specified, separated by a newline or pipe (|) character. You can specify a local path as well, using the file:// scheme. For example: file://./BuildAnything.mobileprovision. Can also provide a local directory that contains files with .mobileprovision extension. For example: ./profilesDirectory/ sensitive
export_development_team The Developer Portal team to use for this export Defaults to the team used to build the archive. Defining this is also required when Automatic Code Signing is set to apple-id and the connected account belongs to multiple teams.
compile_bitcode For non-App Store exports, should Xcode re-compile the app from bitcode? required yes
upload_bitcode For App Store exports, should the package include bitcode? required yes
icloud_container_environment If the app is using CloudKit, this configures the com.apple.developer.icloud-container-environment entitlement. Available options vary depending on the type of provisioning profile used, but may include: Development and Production.
export_options_plist_content Specifies a plist file content that configures archive exporting. If not specified, the Step will auto-generate it.
output_dir This directory will contain the generated artifacts. required $BITRISE_DEPLOY_DIR
export_all_dsyms Export additional dSYM files besides the app dSYM file for Frameworks. required yes
artifact_name This name will be used as basename for the generated Xcode Archive, App, IPA and dSYM files. If not specified, the Product Name (PRODUCT_NAME) Build settings value will be used. If Product Name is not specified, the Scheme will be used.
cache_level Defines what cache content should be automatically collected. Available options: - none: Disable collecting cache content - swift_packages: Collect Swift PM packages added to the Xcode project required swift_packages
api_key_path Local path or remote URL to the private key (p8 file) for App Store Connect API. This overrides the Bitrise-managed API connection, only set this input if you want to control the API connection on a step-level. Most of the time it's easier to set up the connection on the App Settings page on Bitrise. The input value can be a file path (eg. $TMPDIR/private_key.p8) or an HTTPS URL. This input only takes effect if the other two connection override inputs are set too (api_key_id, api_key_issuer_id).
api_key_id Private key ID used for App Store Connect authentication. This overrides the Bitrise-managed API connection, only set this input if you want to control the API connection on a step-level. Most of the time it's easier to set up the connection on the App Settings page on Bitrise. This input only takes effect if the other two connection override inputs are set too (api_key_path, api_key_issuer_id).
api_key_issuer_id Private key issuer ID used for App Store Connect authentication. This overrides the Bitrise-managed API connection, only set this input if you want to control the API connection on a step-level. Most of the time it's easier to set up the connection on the App Settings page on Bitrise. This input only takes effect if the other two connection override inputs are set too (api_key_path, api_key_id).
verbose_log If this input is set, the Step will print additional logs for debugging. required no
Environment Variable Description
BITRISE_IPA_PATH Local path of the created .ipa file
BITRISE_APP_DIR_PATH Local path of the generated .app directory
BITRISE_DSYM_DIR_PATH This Environment Variable points to the path of the directory which contains the dSYMs files. If export_all_dsyms is set to yes, the Step will collect every dSYM (app dSYMs and framwork dSYMs).
BITRISE_DSYM_PATH This Environment Variable points to the path of the zip file which contains the dSYM files. If export_all_dsyms is set to yes, the Step will also collect framework dSYMs in addition to app dSYMs.
BITRISE_XCARCHIVE_PATH The created .xcarchive file's path
BITRISE_XCARCHIVE_ZIP_PATH The created .xcarchive.zip file's path.
BITRISE_XCODEBUILD_ARCHIVE_LOG_PATH The file path of the raw xcodebuild archive command log. The log is placed into the Output directory path.
BITRISE_XCODEBUILD_EXPORT_ARCHIVE_LOG_PATH The file path of the raw xcodebuild -exportArchive command log. The log is placed into the Output directory path.
BITRISE_IDEDISTRIBUTION_LOGS_PATH Exported when xcodebuild -exportArchive command fails.

🙋 Contributing

We welcome pull requests and issues against this repository.

For pull requests, work on your changes in a forked repository and use the Bitrise CLI to run step tests locally.

Note: this step's end-to-end tests (defined in e2e/bitrise.yml) are working with secrets which are intentionally not stored in this repo. External contributors won't be able to run those tests. Don't worry, if you open a PR with your contribution, we will help with running tests and make sure that they pass.

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