
Export Failed: target not found: XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX

liuzhen2008 opened this issue · 5 comments

How do I deal with this error here?

Below is a snippet of the log.

The archive seems to be successful, but it somehow ended up with this error here.

▸ Generating 'MyTarget\ Prod\'
▸ Running script '[CP] Copy Pods Resources'
▸ Touching MyTarget\ Prod\ (in target: MyTarget Prod CI)
▸ Archive Succeeded

�[34;1mArchive infos:�[0m
team: My Inc (XXXXXX)
profile: My Profile Prod (xxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxx)
export: app-store
xcode managed profile: false

�[34;1mExporting ipa from the archive...�[0m

Exporting ipa with ExportOptions.plist
No custom export options content provided, generating export options...
export-method specified: app-store
�[31;1mtarget not found: XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX�[0m
|                                                                              |

Looks like I missed a commit locally that updates the blueprintidentifiers in the xscheme file

bitce commented

Glad to see you've managed to sort this quickly! 🙂

@bitce I'm having the same issue with my project :c
Could you, please, help me resolve it?
I was able to archive and distribute my application through Xcode manually but I get this error whenever the "deploy" workflow is triggered.


In my case it was something in the project.xcodeproj/xcshareddata/xcschemes/Prod CI.xcsheme file specifying a wrong BlueprintIdentifier = "YYYYYYYY"

I am not sure exactly how this happen, but what fixed it for me was the following:

  1. Product -> Scheme -> Manage Scheme

Click around in the new window (I didn't modify anything).

And then just close the window. Observe git, magically that file is updated with a new BlueprintIdentifier which seems to work correctly with bitrise builds.

Can confirm, this, indeed, fixed the issue.
To clarify: I had to deselect and then select the deselected scheme again.