
xcodebuild options for showBuildSettings

yonaskolb opened this issue · 4 comments


  • I've searched for possible solutions.
  • Which version of the step is effected? 1.2.3
  • Is the issue reproducible with the latest version? YES
  • Does the issue happen sporadically, or every time? EVERY TIME

Issue description

If xcodebuild_options are provided, these options are not passed to invocations of xcodebuild that are used to get build settings with -showBuildSettings. The issue is that if the source packages path or the whole derived data path is customized and the project has swift packages dependencies, then reading from the build settings will re-resolve all the swift packages which can take a long time. The xcodebuild_options should be passed along while getting build settings, as they are when resolving packages, and archiving

Bitrise info

Here you can see that the customized -clonedSourcePackagesDirPath is not passed along to -showBuildSettings and therefore takes 2 and a half minutes

[19:53:53] $ xcodebuild "-project" "/Users/[REDACTED]/git/shop.xcodeproj" "-scheme" "shop-preview" "-resolvePackageDependencies" "-clonedSourcePackagesDirPath" "SourcePackages"
[19:54:41] Reading build settings...
[19:54:41] $ xcodebuild "-project" "/Users/[REDACTED]/git/shop.xcodeproj" "-scheme" "shop-preview" "-showBuildSettings"
[19:57:08] Read target settings.

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