
Checks crons for suspicious output, stderr and exitcode.

Primary LanguageGoApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


Go Report Card Build Status

Simple wrapper to log and handle cron errors.


  -errfile string
    	error report file (default "/var/log/cronstatus")
    	hide uuid in error report file
    	hide timings in error report file
  -lockfile string
    	lockfile to prevent the cron running twice, set to enable
  -name string
    	cron name in syslog (default "cron")
  -quiet-times string
    	time ranges to ignore errors, format 'start(cron format):duration(golang duration):...
  -regex string
    	regex for bad words (default "(?im)\\b(err|fail|crit)")
  -timeout duration
    	timeout for the cron, set to enable


cronguard -name cron.example "command"

The command is executed with bash -c. You can use bash features like pipes.

Note: Bash is required.

Sentry Support

To enable sentry you can either create a /etc/cronguard.yaml, create ./cronguard.yaml or use the environment variable CRONGUARD_SENTRY_DSN.

If one of these is set cronguard will try to send events to sentry. If thats not possible it will fallback to default behavior.

Config Example:

sentry_dsn: https://00000000000000000000000000000000@sentry.example.com/2


Using -quiet-times one can setup time ranges during which errors are ignored. Useful to disable error handling, for example, if there is a database backup running.


cronguard -quiet-times "0 2 * * *:42m:0 5 * * *:20s" "echo hello world"

This ignores errors starting at 2:00 for 42minutes and starting at 05:00 for 20 seconds.

Cron format documentation: https://godoc.org/github.com/robfig/cron#hdr-CRON_Expression_Format
Golang time duration documentation: https://golang.org/pkg/time/#ParseDuration


Via go:

go get -u github.com/bitsbeats/cronguard