Getting and Cleaning Data: Course Project


  • - This file.

  • run_analysis.R - Loads and processes data from UCI HAR Dataset then exports a summary.


The script run_analysis.R loads the test and training data from the [UCI HAR Dataset]( and produces the output file summary_data.txt.

To run run_analysis.R and create summary_data.txt, the UCI HAR Dataset must first be unpacked so that its top level directory is in the same directory as the run_analysis.R.

The script proceeds as follows:

  1. Create tidy matrices based on the data in the "train" and "test" directories using the function load_and_assemble_data. Only a subset of the total data corresponding to the means and standard deviations is included in this file. See codebook section below for details.

  2. Combine these two matrices into the full, tidy data set.

  3. Use dplyr's group_by and summarise_each to create the summary data. This data contains the averages for each of the observations over groups defined by subject and activity.

  4. Make the column headers more descriptive. This involves making the headers match their original forms in "activity_labels.txt" adding the prefix "meanOf-" to each header in order to emphasize that the values presented are group means.

The bulk of the work is done in the function load_and_assemble_data(kind). This function works on either the "test" or "train" data, depending on the value kind. The function:

  1. Reads the subject ids.

  2. Reads the activity ids and converts them into text values for activities.

  3. Reads the measured values and subsets them, keeping only the mean and standard deviation entires.

  4. Combine these three parts into one matrix.

Output Format

For a description of the format of summary_data.txt, please see the file