
test for https://github.com/spring-cloud/spring-cloud-config/issues/434

Primary LanguageJava


test for spring-cloud/spring-cloud-config#434

git clone https://github.com/bitsofinfo/test-config-server-crypto.git
cd test-config-server-crypto
cd configserver_gitrepo/
git init
git add .
git commit -m "test" .
cd ..

EDIT src/main/resources/bootstrap.yml and adjust the spring.cloud.config.server.git.uri repo path as appropriate to the one above

./gradlew bootRun

Notice at the end of the boot, it prints out the values for the two properties in the environment application.yml (this print occurs in Application.java

Notice that test.crypted.prop at this point is not decrypted.... (not sure why? its not cleartext at this point as I need the decrypted value to configure another bean while the boot is in progress)

After boot up, go to: http://localhost:8888/config-server-test1/test (decrypted as expected)

POST the below to http://localhost:8888/decrypt


You yield 123 as expected.