
Cassini, a simple chain bridge for BitSong <-> Ethereum

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Cassini | BitSong Ethereum<->Mainnet Bridge

This bridge allows transfer of ERC20 BTSG to Cosmos Mainnet and vice-versa




  1. NodeJS 14
  2. npm or yarn
  3. MySQL 5.7 or Docker

Install node modules

npm install


The bridge requires a MySQL database where save the status of transactions, as well as nonce and other sync parameters. You can use your self installed database, or run it trough Docker with the following command.

docker-compose up -d

TODO: Move MySQL configuration to .env file, right now is using TypeORM default values.

Run the bridge (dev mode)

npm run start

The bridge will now be active, looking for onchain events on one side and sending transactions on the other side.


Copy .env.example file to .env and personalize to your needs

param description
COSMOS_WATCH_INTERVAL Crontab definition for cosmos block indexer
ETHEREUM_WATCH_INTERVAL Crontab definition for ethereum block indexer
ETHEREUM_SEND_INTERVAL Crontab definition for Ethereum tx sender
COSMOS_SEND_INTERVAL Crontab definition for Cosmos tx sender
COSMOS_MAINNET_API LCD Api of Cosmos Side (https://lcd-bitsong.itastakers.com)
COSMOS_BRIDGE_ADDRESS Cosmos hot wallet, with liquidity and bridge transactions
COSMOS_MNEMONIC Private key of cosmos hot wallet
COSMOS_GAS_PRICE Default gas price cosmos side
COSMOS_DENOM Cosmos minimal denom
COSMOS_START_HEIGHT Start height at which look for transfer logs
ETH_API Ethereum JSON RPC API URL (infura or similar)
ETHEREUM_MNEMONIC Ethereum bridge hot wallet private key
ETHEREUM_BRIDGE_CONTRACT_ADDRESS Ethereum Deposit/Bridge Contract Address
ETHEREUM_LOG_TOPICS Topic to look for in Ethereum transaction Logs
ETHEREUM_START_HEIGHT Start height at which look for hasBeenAddedd logs
ETHEREUM_CONFIRMATIONS Min number of confirmation before relay from ETH to Cosmos
BRIDGE_MIN_FEE Mimimum fee for relay in BTSG
BRIDGE_FEE_PERCENT Fee % for tx relay (default 0.5%)
TYPEORM_CONNECTION Database connection type
TYPEORM_HOST Database host
TYPEORM_USERNAME Database username
TYPEORM_PASSWORD Database password
TYPEORM_PORT Database port
TYPEORM_SYNCHRONIZE Boolean, create or not tables at start
TYPEORM_LOGGING Enable query logging (stdout)
TYPEORM_ENTITIES Entity path src/entity/*.ts,src/modules/**/entity/*.ts
METRICS_HOST Bind IP for metrics
METRICS_PORT Bind port for metrics

For TypeOrm confirguration refer to the official documentation: https://typeorm.io/#/using-ormconfig



Mainnet -> Ethereum

  • 1a) User send a standard transaction on Cosmos Side to the Bridge hot wallet, inserting his Ethereum address in the memo field
  • 2a) Bridge worker look for transfer events onchain
  • 3a) Tokens arrive in mainnet hot wallet, and are liquid in the bridge
  • 4a) With instant finality we can immediately send tokens on Ethereum side, from the hot wallet.

Ethereum -> Mainnet

  • 1b) User send a deposit() transaction to the BitsongBridge smart contract address, specifying amount of tokens and the recepient Cosmos btsg1 address
  • 2b) Bridge worker lookf for hasBeenAddedd logs from the smart contract
  • 3b) Smart contract transfer the tokens to Ethereum hot wallet
  • 4b) After 21 confirmations, a standard send transaction is generated and broadcasted on mainnet side from the hot wallet to the recepient.

Token bridge test

The bridge is currently deployed on Ropsten ETH Netowrk and bitsong-bridge-1 Bitsong testnet.

Cosmos Bridge Wallet Address bitsong14ayssdzwd6tdspcnn6zyhfwvlh6cv93cxtd0fz

Ethereum Bridge Wallet Address 0x8Ff25a5954E42B7f990C523C0e25c0e5dEDfC326

Ethereum Bridge Smart Contract Address 0x234745EcfeDfa32113D8203462A23ba410e0FC87

Ethereum Token Contract Address 0x4d439d3a5bad256433461b80a06c4ab452734a4a

Min amount accepted by the relayer to transfer 11 BTTT

Test transfer from Cosmos to Ethereum

  1. Install bitsongcli binary at version v0.7.1
  • wget https://github.com/bitsongofficial/go-bitsong/releases/download/v0.7.1/bitsongcli
  • chmod +x bitsongcli
  • ./bitsongcli version
  1. Transfer the tokens you want to bridge with the recepient ethereum address in the memo field of the transaction:
  2. bitsongcli tx send {from} bitsong14ayssdzwd6tdspcnn6zyhfwvlh6cv93cxtd0fz 10000000000ubtsg --memo "0x{your eth address}" --node tcp://bridge-test.bitsong.network:26657 --chain-id bitsong-bridge-1 Unit: 1BTTT = 1000000ubtsg
  3. You will receive tokens after a few minutes on Ethereum. Depending on network congestion

Test transfer from Ethereum to Cosmos

  1. Approve the bridge contract as spender of your BTTT tokens. This can be done on Etherscan with MetaMask, visiting https://ropsten.etherscan.io/address/0x4d439d3a5bad256433461b80a06c4ab452734a4a#writeContract and choosing "approve"


_spender must be set to the Bridge Contract address 0x234745EcfeDfa32113D8203462A23ba410e0FC87

_value must be greater than the amount you want to transfer, in wei. you can use https://eth-converter.com/ to convert. For example, if you want to transfer 10.000.000 BTTT, you must set it greater than 10000000000000000000000000

  1. Transfer BTTT tokens to the bridge contract using the "deposit" function. This can be don on Etherscan with MetaMask: https://ropsten.etherscan.io/address/0x234745EcfeDfa32113D8203462A23ba410e0FC87#writeContract. Set as target the mainnet address that should receive your tokens


amount is the amount of tokens you want to transfer, in wei unit. target is the bitsong address that will receive the tokens.

  1. After 12 confirmations on Ethereum network tokens will be transfered to your mainnet address.