
Crypto Currency Betting Platform Powered By Ethereum

Primary LanguageSolidity


Crypto Currency Betting Platform

Powered By Ethereum Smart Contracts!

What is BitPredict?

It is about Crypto Price Betting.

  • Participants competes to predict upcoming crypto price.
  • The winner(s) are who predicted the nearest future price.
  • The Reward is the Contract Jackpot minus the beneficiary fees.

Who can create the contract?

BitPredict a Smart Contract Betting Factory.

  • The protocol is living on the blockchain
  • Anyone can freely interact
  • You can create your own flavor Betting Contract
  • Share the participation link with your friends/connections.

BitPredict Contract?

Creating the contract consists of 5 inputs:

  • Contract Ticker: the bet prediction target e.g. BTC-USD
  • Ticket Price: the participation price
  • Closure Delay: until when people can still participate
  • Execution Delay: the execution time, winner(s) pick and rewards
  • Beneficiary Fees: your % fees on the jackpot total

How It Works?

Let us Say your Created a BitPredict contract as follows:

Input Value
Ticker BTC-USD
Price 0.2 ETH
Closure 2 days
Execution 3 days
Beneficiary Fees 5%

Your beneficiary is your wallet address: 0xd04d90aC0E87ad156A5De6Faaa5595f9b4E45386

So the happy flow is

  1. Within 2 days having 5 participants:
Address Prediction
0x369fF36DeF150A8fB4C1623142aba6DBc26C0D39 9580
0xFb8E981d0DF292382541cc18db7421AdE58A0cDe 7500
0xF3A6EE2c5CA4450071E4Cba69075a313b00f2dC1 10125
0xcD7f213f001E982E4d6244B4186809014fE116CE 10500
0xe0742a310cBB73c6348B2d27dB4C4c8c22cf23E9 9100
  1. Jackpot is 5*0.2 = 1 ETH
  2. After 3 days the bitcoin price is got from CoinBase api
  3. Let us say the BTC-USD ticker is 10210 USD
  4. The closest participant prediction is 10125
  5. The beneficiary fees 5%: 0.05 ETH are deduced
  6. The participant reward: 1.9 ETH is automatically distributed to its wallet address 0xF3A6EE2c5CA4450071E4Cba69075a313b00f2dC1

ON-CHAIN Integration

You can integrate our BitPredictFactory and create programmatically your BitPredict Here you can find BitPredict solidity interfaces, compile generate and use their ABI as well! e.g.

import 'IBitPredictFactory.sol';

contract Test {

    constructor() public {
        IBitPredictFactory factory = IBitPredict(0x4e8f1ccf050e59ec0939a34417ae9e175f862943);
        uint  contractPriceWei = factory.contractPrice();
        // ...


pragma solidity ^0.5.17;

/// @dev use this interface to integrate with BitPredictFactory
interface IBitPredictFactory {
    /// @dev returns the BitPredict contract price in Wei
    function contractPrice() external returns (uint);

    /// @dev returns the supported tickers e.g. ['BTC-USD', 'ETH-USD']
    function tickersList() external view returns (bytes9[] memory);

    /// @dev event fired on BitPredict contract creation
    /// @notice you can watch this event on your pending transaction
    event PredictionContractCreated(
		address indexed creator,    // beneficiary address
		address bitPredict,         // BitPredict smarct contract address
		bytes9 ticker,              // BitPredict Ticker e.g. BTC-USD
		uint weiTicket,             // 2e17 WEI  : 0.2 ETH ticket price
		uint closureDelay,          // 2*24*3600 : 2 days  closure delay
		uint executionDelay,        // 3*24*3600 : 3 days  execution delay
		uint fees,                  // 5         : beneficiary fees 5%
		uint created                // creation time (now) in solidity
    /// @dev create your BitPredict Contract
    /// @notice payable send contractPrice in wei with the arguments
    function createPredictionContract (
        bytes9 ticker,              // BTC-USD
        uint weiTicket,             // 2e17 WEI  : 0.2 ETH ticket price
        uint closureDelay,          // 2*24*3600 : 2 days  closure delay
        uint executionDelay,        // 3*24*3600 : 3 days  execution delay
        uint fees                   // 5         : beneficiary fees 5%
    ) external payable;

If you want to interact with your BitPredict Contract you can do it via the IBitPredict Interface: e.g.

import 'IBitPredict.sol';

contract Test {
    constructor() public {
        IBitPredict mContract = IBitPredict(0x70Ee5F70C3eECc4d951Ac87b7107fCcc33713469);
        uint  subscriptionPriceWei = mContract.ticketPriceWei();


pragma solidity >= 0.5.0 < 0.6.0;

interface IBitPredict {

    /// @dev returns (now) contract deployment time
    function created() external returns (uint);
    /// @dev subscription available until (created + closureDelay)
    function closureDelay() external returns (uint);
    /// @dev price calculation and winners pick at (created + executionDelay)
    function executionDelay() external returns (uint);

    /// @dev ticket price in wei to subscribe
    function ticketPriceWei() external returns (uint);
    /// @dev contract ticker e.g. 'BTC-USD'
    function ticker() external returns (bytes9);

    /// @dev contract status: 0 open, 1 closed, 2 executed, 3 reward distributed
    function status() external returns (uint);
    /// @dev return the count of subscribers and winners
    function counters() external view returns (uint subs, uint wins);

    /// @dev execution actual ticker price e.g. 10400 for 'BTC-USD'
    function winSolution() external returns (uint);

    /// @dev winner closest prediction e.g. 10350 for 'BTC-USD'
    function winGuess() external returns(uint);

    /// @dev winner reward in WEI
    function winReward() external returns (uint);
    /// @dev emitted on a new bet participant
    event PriceBet(address user, uint bet, uint time);

    /// @dev emitted on price execution
    event RoundExecuted(uint solution);
    /// @dev emitted foreach winner reward
    event WinnerPayout(address winner, uint solution, uint guess, uint reward);

    // accept ether subscription payments
    // only one time per address
    // msg.value = ticketPriceWei + expected future price format in wei
    // Example 
    // 1. ticketPrice is 0.01 Ether 
    // 2. Your future price prediction is 9588.25
    // 3. You send 0.1 + 0.0000000000958825
    // 4. The contract registers your prediction of 958825
    // 5. The contract pays you back  get back 0.0000000000958825 Ether 
    function() payable external;
    /// @dev rollback subscribers ether if the execution did not happen after 24 hours
    /// @notice only the beneficiary msg.sender can withdraw total amount same share equally with the subscribers
    function rollback() external;