
The UEFI bootloader for the HaribOS operating system

Primary LanguageC


The UEFI bootloader for the HaribOS operating system

To Install


  • clang
  • mtools
  • xorriso
  • lld
  • make
  • qemu-system


  1. Clone the gnu-efi repository with this command git clone https://git.code.sf.net/p/gnu-efi/code gnu-efi
  2. In the data.c file located in the gnu-efi/lib/ directory, you need to remove the 'LibStubStriCmp', 'LibStubMetaiMatch', and 'LibStubStrLwrUpr' references to avoid linking error.
  3. In the Makefile, change the GNU-EFI_LOCALIZATION value to the folder you cloned the gnu-efi repository in.
  4. Use the command make to build the system.


  1. Clone the OVMF binaries.
  2. In the Makefile, change the OVMF_LOCALIZATION value to the folder that contains the OVMF binaries.
  3. Execute the command make run.