
Primary LanguageJavaScript

Experiment 2 Setup


  1. Updating
  2. Clone Repositories
  3. Database
  4. Python
  5. Experiments


Before we get started with the installation process, make sure your package manager is up to date. Run:

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get upgrade

Cloning Repositories

To run the traffic experiments, there are two code repositories that need to be cloned.

To start off, you will need to install git if it isn't installed already. Open the terminal and run the command:

sudo apt-get install git

Make a directory in your home directory. I called mine traffic, but you can name it anything you like.

cd ~
mkdir traffic
cd traffic/

Once you are in this directory, you can clone the two code repositories. Just run:

git clone https://github.com/megacell/phi
git clone https://github.com/ion599/optimization.git

As a sanity check, take a look in the two folders created, and see if there are some files and folders created.


The project uses PostgresSQL as a data store and PostGIS as a spatial library to create the experiment matrices. This section covers the installation process for both of these packages.

Installing Postgres and Dependencies

We are currently using PostgresSQL version 9.3 for this project. We are using materialized views. This feature was introduced in version 9.3, so any version of Postgres newer than 9.3 should work.

To install PostgresSQL (and some additional tools), run:

sudo apt-get install postgresql postgresql-contrib pgadmin3 postgresql-server-dev-9.3

For PostGIS:

sudo apt-get install postgresql-9.3-postgis-2.1

For plpython:

sudo apt-get install postgresql-plpython

Configuring the Database

We need to configure the database to use the PostGIS. In this section we create a user and set up a spatial database.

First we are creating a postgis template database. Run:

sudo -u postgres createdb template_postgis

We need to enable the the procedural language pgSQL. This allows us to run procedural scripts written in a modified SQL language. (This may already be installed)

sudo -u postgres createlang plpgsql template_postgis

Next, we need to update the template to contain definitions for the spatial data types and functions.

sudo -u postgres psql template_postgis -f `pg_config --sharedir`/contrib/postgis-2.1/postgis.sql

And add the spatial reference table:

sudo -u postgres psql template_postgis -f `pg_config --sharedir`/contrib/postgis-2.1/spatial_ref_sys.sql

Finally, we create the a table called geodjango from the template:

sudo -u postgres createdb -T template_postgis geodjango

We need to create a user, so our application can access the data without going through the administrative account for the db. To do this, run:

sudo -u postgres psql

Once you are in the postgres console, run:

CREATE USER megacell;
ALTER DATABASE geodjango OWNER TO megacell;

Type \q to exit.

To create the plpythonu language for the geodjango database, first open the database shell:

psql -U postgres -d geodjango

Then run:


Here are the old instructions:

You will need to modify the pg_hba.conf file to change the authentication on the megacell user.

We are going to trust local modifications to the db from the megacell user. Open pg_hba.conf and add the following line to the file:

local   geodjango        megacell                                trust

Directly below:

# Database administrative login by Unix domain socket
local   all             postgres                                peer

# TYPE  DATABASE        USER            ADDRESS                 METHOD

I found it to be easier to grant permissions to all local connections if you aren't worrying about limiting access to other people sharing the same local machine. Just comment out all lines starting with local and add this line:

local   all             all                                      trust

Save and then restart postgres: sudo service postgresql restart


Most of the project is written in Python. In this section, we configure and install the Python packages needed for the project.

Installing Python

If python is not already installed on your machine, run

sudo apt-get install python

Run python -V to confirm you have a 2.7.* version installed.

We will also need the dev tools:

sudo apt-get install python-dev

Installing Packages

Install the numerical libaries and accessories:

sudo apt-get install libblas3gf libblas-dev liblapack3gf liblapack-dev python-numpy python-scipy python-matplotlib ipython

Install the Python package manager(pip) with:

sudo apt-get install python-pip

Update the setuptools:

sudo pip install -U setuptools

Install the required packages for the two projects:

sudo pip install -r ~/traffic/phi/requirements.txt
sudo pip install -r ~/traffic/optimization/requirements.txt


Downloading Datasets

You will need to generate an RSA key pair to access the data server. You can take a look on github on how to to do this.

Email me (ld283@cornell.edu) or Steven (steve.yadlowsky@berkeley.edu) your public key and we will add it to the server.


rsync -e ssh -rzv ubuntu@ec2-54-212-249-155.us-west-2.compute.amazonaws.com:datasets ~/traffic

Modifying the config.py Files

You will need to point the configuration file to the correct dataset directory. Without this configured, the code will not know where to look for data files or save any outputs files.

In ~/traffic/phi/django_utils/config.py you will see something like this:


DATA_DIR = '/home/<your user name here>/traffic/datasets/Phi' # FIXME replace with your data path
EXPERIMENT_MATRICES_DIR = 'experiment_matrices'
ESTIMATION_INFO_DIR = 'estimation_info'
WAYPOINTS_FILE = 'waypoints-950.pkl'
canonical_projection = 4326
google_projection = 3857 # alternatively 900913
EPSG32611 = 32611

import os
# The directory must exist for other parts of this application to function properly

Modify the <your user name here> with the name of your home directory.

Similarly, modify ~/traffic/optimization/python.config.py

Import Data into the Database

Create DB Schema

First, you need to export the /home/<user>/traffic/phi' and /home//traffic/phi/django_utils' paths to the PYTHONPATH variable. This lets the python interpreter where to look for packages.

export PYTHONPATH=$PYTHONPATH:/home/<user>/traffic/phi:/home/<user>/traffic/phi/django_utils

You can modify your .bashrc file to contain this line, so you don't have to run this command everytime you open the terminal.

To install the database schema, run:

cd ~/traffic/phi/django_utils/
./manage.py syncdb --settings=settings_geo
./manage.py migrate --settings=settings_geo

(Note: Django 1.7 was released on September 2, 2014. Django now has built in support for schema migrations. I've removed south and updated the project to use the built in migration library.)

Populate Data

We populate all the database fields in this step. This is the longest running step in setting up the experiments. Before doing this, make sure you can leave your machine on for 4-10 hours.

We first need to load sensors and waypoint information. To do this, we need to bring up the django shell:

cd ~/traffic/phi/django_utils/
./manage.py shell

Once the shell is open run:

from orm import load

This will populate the database with the correct sensor and waypoint information.

Now we need to load trajectories, create routes, etc. While still in the shell, run:

from experiments.experiment2 import run_experiment

Running Experiments

To generate the matrices we used for the ISTTT paper, open the django console run:

from experiments.experiment2 import run_experiment

This will create all the matrices and save them in the experiment_matrices directory.

Sometimes phi.pkl is out of date and we might need to regenerate it. To do that just remove it from the experiment_matrices directory before running generate_experiment_matrices.

To calculate the results, change directories into the optimization project and run: python main.py --solver=BB --log==DEBUG

Making Plots

To generate the plots in the submitted ISTTT paper, change directories into the optimization/python directory and run: python plot_error_vs_route_usage.py python waypoint_plots.py

Running the visualization server

Go to the visualizations folder:

cd ~/traffic/phi/visualization

First install the dependencies:

pip install -r requirements.txt

First sync and migradethe databases:

./manage.py syncdb
./manage.py migrate

Then run the shell

./manage.py shell

For testing, import the dummy data:

run phidata/data_import/dummy_data.py

Otherwise, import cell, link and route data:

run phidata/data_import/cell_data.py
run phidata/data_import/link_data.py
run phidata/data_import/route_data.py

To deploy a public server, follow the instructions [here][https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/1.8/howto/deployment/wsgi/modwsgi/]

Architecture of Experiment 2

The experiments uses data from datasets that are set in config.py. The following steps are run in setup_db from experiments/experiment2/run_experiment.py to load the data:

  • create_experiment2: sets up metaparameters (ignore unless it breaks, should be removed)
  • Link loader (lgl.load_LA_links()):
    • A link is a line segment representing part of a road
    • Input: Takes in shape files from LINKS_FILES directory as specified in the config, reads it and loads the links.
    • Tables changed: Creates link_geometry table in the database
    • Stores different projections of the coordinates of each link in the database table (eg. canonical projection: eggs4326 projection, wgs84)
    • Optimized loading using stringIO
  • Trajectory loader (tl.load()):
    • Input: Loads trajectories from a .csv file into the database
    • Tables changed: experiment2_trajectories created
    • Each trajectory is stored as a sequence of links along with other metadata:
      • agent_id : person driving
      • commute_direction: morning or evening
      • orig_TAZ, dest_TAZ: origin and destination
      • link_ids: ids of each link in the sequence of links traversed
    • Notes:
      • CREATE INDEX doesn't make a difference
      • orig_TAZ, dest_TAZ should be integers but are floats
  • Route loader (rl.load())
    • Input: Existing link and trajectory data
    • Tables changed: experiment2_routes created
    • A route is a bundle of similar trajectories (Similarity is determined by config.SIMILARITY_FACTOR in route_creater.py)
    • Caching of the links is first done in import_link_geometry_table, which is important for speed
    • First group trajectories by od-pairs (RouteLoader.import_trajectory_groups)
    • In route_creater.py, group trajectories from each od pair that are similar enough into one route (Happens in Trajectory.match_percent in RouteCreater), which is represented by the origin and destination TAZs, links in the route, as well as the number of agents taking the route.
  • Waypoint loader (lw.import_waypoints())
    • Input: Waypoints files containing coordinates of waypoints (Either synthetically generated or real cell-tower locations)
    • Tables changed: orm_waypoint, schemea defined in orm.models.Waypoint
    • Waypoints are the cell-tower locations, density_id is used everywhere to uniquely identify each set of waypoints. To add a new set of waypoints, we need to provide a unique density_id
    • This happens in orm.load.import_waypoints
    • Notes:
      • Removing autocommit and manually committing wasn't needed
  • Waypoint sequences (The .sql files run in setup_db)
    • Input: Waypoints data loaded from before
    • Tables changed: Creates waypoint_voronoi, which is a table containing the voronoi partitions for each waypoint, and updates orm_waypoint with the computed partitions. Also creates tables waypoint_density and experiment2_waypoint_od_bins
    • voronoi_python.sql: loads voronoi_partition function (verbatim)
    • set_waypoint_voronoi.sql: for each waypoint density,
    • waypoint_sequences.sql: calculates how the route intersects sequences of waypoints (slowest part of importing the data) generates a table of links and intersecting waypoints. Builds a waypoint sequence for each route. (take a look at for bugs)
    • create_od_waypoint_view.sql: Creates more waypoint tables
  • Phi (get_phi() in run_experiment.py):
    • Input: experiment2_routes table
    • Output: phi.pkl in the data directory, which is a route-sensor mapping, regenerate when routes used changes.
  • Generating experiment matrices (run_experiment.matrix_generator)
    • There's three different lines in matrix_generator:
      • return waypoints.WaypointMatrixGenerator(phi,routes,waypoint_density): Experiment matrices (ignores OD-flows)
      • return separated.WaypointMatrixGenerator(phi,routes,waypoint_density): Control matrices
      • return waypoints_od.WaypointODMatrixGenerator(phi,routes,waypoint_density): Never use this, more information than we ever knows