Hide a File inside a PNG image. One pixel = One Byte of data. You can hide in the image image_width x image_height - header_size(265) bytes.
For example a 800x480 image can have 800 x 480 - 265 = 383735 bytes ----> 383.735 kilobytes
Pixel in the image are alterated, 3 bits in the Red and Green and 2 bits in the Blue.
Pixel = rrrrrddd gggggddd bbbbbbdd
^^^ ^^^ ^^
||| ||| ||
Data = dddddddd
C1-C5 = ControlKeys to check if it's using this software.
VE = Byte that contain the version number.
S1-S4 = Uint32 that is equal to the size of the file, max file = 4go
N1-N255 = Contain the filename.
usage: stegacito.exe [-ehv] [<file>] -i <imageFile> [-o <output>] [--version]
<file> input file
-i, --image=<imageFile> image that contain/will contain file
-o, --output=<output> output file name
-e, --extract enable extract mode
-h, --help display this help
--version display version info and exit
-v, --verbose verbose output and exit
- stb_image.h https://github.com/nothings/stb
- stb_image_write.h https://github.com/nothings/stb
- argtable3 https://github.com/argtable/argtable3