
A plugin for Yardoc that produces API documentation for Restful web services

Primary LanguageRuby

Yardoc RESTful Web Service Plugin

originally by vWorkApp rewritten for 0.3.0 by rknLA with substantial help from lsegal

A plugin for Yardoc that generates documentation for RESTful web services.


sudo gem install yard-rest

It also requires the Jeweler gem if you plan to use the rake build tasks.

Generating Docs

When using yardoc you ask it to use the "rest" plugin (the --plugin option). For example:

yardoc --plugin rest --title "Our App's API"

Gemfile functionality

You may also include yard-rest in your gemfile using:

gem 'yard-rest'

You may need to include the following dependencies as well:

gem 'redcarpet'
gem 'yard', '~>0.7.4'

If you include yard-rest in your gemfile, you should generate docs using bundle exec:

bundle exec yardoc --plugin rest --title "Our App's API"

Writing Comments

In addition to starting your comment with the normal RDoc description. The following tags are provided:

  • @url url. Specifies the URL that the service is accessed from. This tag is compulsory, only classes and methods that include this in their comments are included.

  • @topic topic. Specifies the topic to categorise a class (not a method) under.

  • @required_argument [type] name description. Specifies an argument that must be passed to the service. You can specify as many of these as you need.

  • @optional_argument [type] name description. Specifies an optional argument that may be passed to the service. You can specify as many of these as you need.

  • @key_for hash_name [type] name description. Specifies element of a hash argument.

  • @value_for argument_name name description. Specifies valid value of an argument.

  • @example_request example. An example of the request that is send to the service.

  • @request_field name description. Further specifies the fields that are send within the request. This is useful when the service accepts only one argument that has many fields, like a JSON or XML string.

  • @example_response example. An example of the response that is returned from the service

  • @response_field name description. Further specifies the fields that are returned within the response

  • @response_code

  • @header

  • @image

Ignored Documentation

This plugin only documents classes and methods with @url tags. It does not support module documentation.

The rationale here is that you are documenting external services (as represented by controllers and methods), and not internal code.

Both controller and methods must have @url and @topic tags to be included in documentation.

Methods with the @overall tag will be ignored.


# Retuns all samples, as XML, for the current user that match the given parameters.
# @url [GET] /samples.[format]?[arguments]
# @url [GET] /samples/index.[format]?[arguments]
# @required_argument [String] format Only "xml" is support at this time.
# @required_argument [String] name The name of the sample
# @required_argument [String] resource The resource that sample belongs to
# @optional_argument ["@assigned"|"@complete"|"!@complete"] search Return samples that are assigned, complete, or
#   uncomplete.
# @example_response
#   <samples type="array">
#     <sample>
#       <id>961</id>
#       <name>My Sample</name>
#       <state>complete</state>
#       <last_unassigned_user_id type="integer"></last_unassigned_user_id>
#       <resource_id type="integer">127</resource_id>
#       <notes></notes>
#       <updated_at type="datetime">2010-03-09T20:43:29Z</updated_at>
#       <created_at type="datetime">2010-03-09T20:43:16Z</created_at>
#     </sample>
#   <samples>
# @response_field [Integer] id A unique ID identifying the Sample
# @response_field [String] name The name of the sample
# @response_field [String] state The current status of the Sample. Can be complete, uncomplete, etc.
# @response_field [String] notes Any notes given for the sample
# @response_field [DateTime] updated_at The Date/Time (in ISO8601) that the Sample was last updated
# @response_field [DateTime] created_at The Date/Time (in ISO8601) that the Sample was created
def index

# Retuns all samples, as XML, for the current user that match the given parameters.
# @url [POST] /samples.[format]?[arguments]
# @required_argument [String] format Only "xml" is support at this time.
# @example_request
#   <sample>
#     <id>961</id>
#     <name>My Sample</name>
#     <state>complete</state>
#     <last_unassigned_user_id type="integer"></last_unassigned_user_id>
#     <resource_id type="integer">127</resource_id>
#     <note_attributes type="array">
#       <note>
#         <id>new_123</id>
#         <text>Note One</note>
#       </note>
#     </note_attributes>
#     <updated_at type="datetime">2010-03-09T20:43:29Z</updated_at>
#     <created_at type="datetime">2010-03-09T20:43:16Z</created_at>
#   </sample>
# @request_field [Integer] id A unique ID identifying the Sample
# @request_field [String] name The name of the sample
# @request_field [String] state The current status of the Sample. Can be complete, uncomplete, etc.
# @request_field [String] note_attributes Any notes given for the sample that will be created
# @request_field [DateTime] updated_at The Date/Time (in ISO8601) that the Sample was last updated
# @request_field [DateTime] created_at The Date/Time (in ISO8601) that the Sample was created
# @example_response
#   <sample>
#     <id>961</id>
#     <name>My Sample</name>
#     <state>complete</state>
#     <last_unassigned_user_id type="integer"></last_unassigned_user_id>
#     <resource_id type="integer">127</resource_id>
#     <notes type="array">
#       <note>
#         <text>Note One</note>
#       </note>
#     </notes>
#     <updated_at type="datetime">2010-03-09T20:43:29Z</updated_at>
#     <created_at type="datetime">2010-03-09T20:43:16Z</created_at>
#   </sample>
# @response_field [Integer] id A unique ID identifying the Sample
# @response_field [String] name The name of the sample
# @response_field [String] state The current status of the Sample. Can be complete, uncomplete, etc.
# @response_field [String] notes Any notes given for the sample
# @response_field [DateTime] updated_at The Date/Time (in ISO8601) that the Sample was last updated
# @response_field [DateTime] created_at The Date/Time (in ISO8601) that the Sample was created
def create


As always, you can see what tasks are available by running:

rake -T

You can run the template locally over the included sample code by using the following rake tasks:

rake ex:clean
rake ex:generate