
Starter code for working with the YouTube-8M dataset.

Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

YouTube-8M Tensorflow Starter Code

This repo contains starter code for training and evaluating machine learning models over the YouTube-8M dataset. The code gives an end-to-end working example for reading the dataset, training a TensorFlow model, and evaluating the performance of the model. Out of the box, you can train a logistic classification model over either frame-level or video-level features. The code can be extended to train more complex models.

It is possible to train and evaluate on YouTube-8M in two ways: on your own machine, or on Google Cloud. This README provides instructions for both.

Table of Contents

Running on Google's Cloud Machine Learning Platform


This option only requires you to have an appropriately configured Google Cloud Platform account. Since you will be running code and accessing data files in the cloud, you do not need to install any libraries or download the training data. If you would like to test your code locally before deploying it to the cloud, see the Testing Locally section.

Training on Video-Level Features

You can train over video-level features with a few commands. First, navigate to the directory immediately above the source code. You should be able to see the source code directory if you run 'ls'. Then run the following:

# (One Time) Create a storage bucket to store training logs and checkpoints.
gsutil mb -l us-central1 $BUCKET_NAME
# Submit the training job.
JOB_NAME=yt8m_train_$(date +%Y%m%d_%H%M%S); gcloud --verbosity=debug beta ml jobs \
submit training $JOB_NAME \
--package-path=youtube-8m --module-name=youtube-8m.train \
--staging-bucket=$BUCKET_NAME --region=us-central1 \
--config=youtube-8m/cloudml-gpu.yaml \
-- --train_data_pattern='gs://youtube8m-ml/0/video_level/train/*.tfrecord' \

In the gsutil command above, the "package-path" flag refers to the directory containing the "train.py" script and more generally the python package which should be deployed to the cloud worker. The module-name refers to the specific python script which should be executed (in this case the train module).

The training data files are hosted in the public "youtube8m-ml" storage bucket in the "us-central1" region. Therefore, we've colocated our job in the same region in order to have the fastest access to the data.

Evaluation and Inference

Here's how to evaluate a model on the validation dataset:

JOB_NAME=yt8m_eval_$(date +%Y%m%d_%H%M%S); gcloud --verbosity=debug beta ml jobs \
submit training $JOB_NAME \
--package-path=youtube-8m --module-name=youtube-8m.eval \
--staging-bucket=$BUCKET_NAME --region=us-central1 \
-- --eval_data_pattern='gs://youtube8m-ml/0/video_level/validate/*.tfrecord' \

And here's how to perform inference with a model:

JOB_NAME=yt8m_inference_$(date +%Y%m%d_%H%M%S); gcloud --verbosity=debug beta ml jobs \
submit training $JOB_NAME \
--package-path=youtube-8m --module-name=youtube-8m.inference \
--staging-bucket=$BUCKET_NAME --region=us-central1 \
-- --input_data_pattern='gs://youtube8m-ml/0/video_level/validate/*.tfrecord' \
--train_dir=$BUCKET_NAME/$JOB_TO_EVAL \

Note the confusing use of "training" in the above gcloud commands. Despite the name, the 'training' argument really just offers a cloud hosted python/tensorflow service. From the point of view of the Cloud Platform, there is no distinction between our training and inference jobs. The Cloud ML platform also offers specialized functionality for prediction with Tensorflow models, but discussing that is beyond the scope of this readme.

Using Frame-Level features


--frame_features=True --model=FrameLevelLogisticModel --feature_names=inc3 \

to the 'gcloud' commands given above, and change 'video_level' in paths to 'frame_level'.

The 'FrameLevelLogisticModel' is designed to provide equivalent results to a logistic model trained over the video-level features. Please look at the 'models.py' file to see how to implement your own models.

Testing Locally

As you are developing your own models, you might want to be able to test them quickly without having to submit them to the cloud. You can use the gcloud beta ml local set of commands for that. First, since you are running locally you will need to install Tensorflow.

Here is an example command line for video-level training:

gcloud --verbosity=debug beta ml local train \
--package-path=youtube-8m --module-name=youtube-8m.train -- \
--train_data_pattern='gs://youtube8m-ml/0/video_level/train/*.tfrecord' \
--train_dir=/tmp/yt8m_train --start_new_model

You can modify this template using the instructions above to train with frame-level features or to do evaluation or inference. You might also want to download some training shards locally, to speed things up and allow you to work offline. The command below will copy 10 out of the 4096 training data files to the current directory.

# Downloads 50MB of data.
gsutil cp gs://us.data.yt8m.org/0/video_level/train/traina[0-9].tfrecord .

Once you download the files, you can point the job to them using the 'train_data_pattern' argument.

By installing Tensorflow locally, you will also get access to the Tensorboard tool, which allows you to view and compare metrics for your various models. You can have Tensorboard read the data directly from your Cloud ML bucket

tensorboard --logdir=$BUCKET_NAME

Running on your Own Machine


The starter code requires Tensorflow. If you haven't installed it yet, follow the instructions on tensorflow.org. This code has been tested with Tensorflow version 0.12.0-rc1. Going forward, we will continue to target the latest released version of Tensorflow.

You can download the YouTube-8M data files from here. We recommend downloading the smaller video-level features dataset first when getting started.

Training on Video-Level features

To start training a logistic model on the video-level features, run

python train.py --train_data_pattern='/path/to/features/train*.tfrecord' --train_dir=$MODEL_DIR/logistic_model

Since the dataset is sharded into 4096 individual files, we use a wildcard (*) to represent all of those files.

By default, the training code will frequently write checkpoint files (i.e. values of all trainable parameters, at the current training iteration). These will be written to the --train_dir. If you re-use a --train_dir, the trainer will first restore the latest checkpoint written in that directory. This only works if the architecture of the checkpoint matches the graph created by the training code. If you are in active development/debugging phase, consider adding --start_new_model flag to your run configuration.

Evaluation and Inference

To evaluate the model, run

python eval.py --eval_data_pattern='/path/to/features/validate*.tfrecord' --train_dir=$MODEL_DIR/logistic_model

As the model is training or evaluating, you can view the results on tensorboard by running

tensorboard --logdir=$MODEL_DIR

and navigating to http://localhost:6006 in your web browser.

When you are happy with your model, you can generate a csv file of predictions from it by running

python inference.py --output_file=predictions.csv --input_data_pattern='/path/to/features/validate*.tfrecord' --train_dir=$MODEL_DIR/logistic_model

This will output the top 20 predicted labels from the model for every example to 'predictions.csv'.

Using Frame-Level Features

Follow the same instructions as above, appending --frame_features=True --model=FrameLevelLogisticModel --feature_names=inc3 for the train.py, eval.py, and inference.py scripts.

The 'FrameLevelLogisticModel' is designed to provide equivalent results to a logistic model trained over the video-level features. Please look at the 'models.py' file to see how to implement your own models.

Overview of Files


  • train.py: The primary script for training models.
  • losses.py: Contains definitions for loss functions.
  • models.py: Contains definitions for models.
  • readers.py: Contains definitions for the Video dataset and Frame dataset readers.


  • eval.py: The primary script for evaluating models.
  • eval_util.py: Provides a class that calculates all evaluation metrics.
  • average_precision_calculator.py: Functions for calculating average precision.
  • mean_average_precision_calculator.py: Functions for calculating mean average precision.


  • inference.py: Generates an output file containing predictions of the model over a set of videos.


  • README.md: This documentation.
  • utils.py: Common functions.

About this project

This project is meant help people quickly get started working with the YouTube-8M dataset. This is not an official Google product.