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The number after the book name stands for the year in which the book was written in. All books are put in their respective category and are sorted from oldest to newest.
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Emoji | Meaning |
π | Book is freely available |
π | Book not freely available |
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- Programming
- Functional programming
- Programming languages
- Programming language design
- Programming interviews
- Text editors
- Version Control
- Unix
- Fiction
- Physics
- Computer networking
- Nutrition
- Math
- Fitness
- Algorithms
- Mindset
- Machine learning
- Startups
- Economics
- Statistics
- Finance
- History
- Awareness
- Computer science
- Web Development
- Chemistry
- Visualisation
- Regular Expressions
- Compilers
- Science
- Computer graphics
- Scifi
- Business
- Psychedelics
- Strategy
- Creativity
- Management
- Future
- Engineering
- Data Science
- Databases
- Psychology
- Philosophy
- Society
- Neuroscience
- Investing
- Spirituality
- Game Development
- Art
- Biographies
- Operating Systems
- Memoirs
- Security
- Design
- Graphic design
- Politics
- Computer Systems
- Evolution
- Film Making
- Non Fiction
- Cryptography
- Related
- π The art of computer programming (1968-)
- π The psychology of computer programming (1971)
- π The elements of programming style (1974)
- π Software reliability: principles and practices (1976)
- π Structure and interpretation of computer programs (1979)
- π Mindstorms: children, computers, and powerful ideas (1980)
- π Communicating sequential processes (1985)
- π The art of the metaobject protocol (1991)
- π Code: hidden language of computer hardware and software (1999)
- π The pragmatic programmer (1999)
- π The practice of programming (1999)
- π Refactoring (1999)
- π How to design programs (2001)
- π Inside the machine (2006)
- π Clean code (2008)
- π Design concepts in programming (2008)
- π Apprenticeship patterns (2010)
- π The art of readable code: simple and practical techniques for writing better code (2011)
- π Programming in the large with design patterns (2012)
- π Composing programs
- π C++ primer (1989)
- π Beginning c++ through game programming (2004
- π C++ core guidelines (2017)
- π Network programming with Go (2012)
- π The little go book (2014)
- π Go in action (2015)
- π The go programming language (2015)
- π Web app with go - anti text book
- π Build web application with golang
- π Python essential reference (1999)
- π Dive into python 3 (2004)
- π Problem solving with algorithms and data structures using python (2005)
- π Python cookbook (2011)
- π Data structures and algorithms in python (2013)
- π Test driven development with python (2014)
- π Effective python (2015)
- π Fluent python (2015)
- π Inside the python virtual machine (2017)
- π Automate the boring stuff with python
- π Effective java (2001)
- π Data structures and algorithms in java (2003)
- π Java concurrency in practice (2006)
- π Introduction to programming in java: an interdisciplinary approach (2008)
- π Java 8 in action (2014)
- π Test-driven java development (2015)
- π Rust by example
- π The rust programming language
- π The rustonomicon
- π Discovery - Discover the world of microcontrollers through Rust.
- π Learn You a Haskell for Great Good! (2011)
- π Write you a haskell (2014)
- π Programming in haskell (2016)
- π You donβt know JS
- π Eloquent javascript (2011)
- π Effective javascript: 68 specific ways to harness the power of javascript (2012)
- π Secrets of the javascript ninja (2013)
- π Learning javascript design patterns (2015)
- π The javascript way (2017)
- π Exploring js
- π The well grounded rubyist (2009)
- π Eloquent ruby (2011)
- π Practical object oriented design in ruby (2012)
- π Confident ruby (2013)
- π Practical vim: Edit Text at the Speed of Thought (2012)
- π Learn Vimscript the Hard Way
- π Vim user manual - Must read for anyone new to vim.
- π Advanced programming in the unix environment (1992)
- π Unix power tools (1993)
- π An introduction to unix (2014)
- π Notes from underground (1864)
- π Crime and punishment (1866)
- π The idiot (1869)
- π The brothers karamazov (1880)
- π Flatland (1884)
- π The picture of dorian gray (1890)
- π The yellow wallpaper (1892)
- π The iron heel (1908)
- π The ragged trousered philanthropists (1914)
- π We (1924)
- π Heart of a dog (1925)
- π The great gatsby (1925)
- π Brave new world (1932)
- π The glass bead game (1943)
- π Animal farm (1945)
- π The plague (1947)
- π No longer human (1948)
- π Nineteen eighty-four (1949)
- π Bel: An essay on man in revolt (1951)
- π East of eden (1952)
- π Fahrenheit 451 (1953)
- π The doors of perception (1954) - Details Aldous Huxleyβs own experiences when taking mescaline.
- π Lolita (1955)
- π Doctor zhivago (1957)
- π Flowers for algernon (1959)
- π Catch-22 (1961)
- π Pale fire (1962)
- π Island (1962)
- π We have always lived in the castle (1962)
- π One day in the life of ivan denisovich (1962)
- π Monday begins on saturday (1964)
- π Dune (1965)
- π Stoner (1965)
- π Master and margarita (1967)
- π One hundred years of solitude (1967)
- π Slaughterhouse five (1969)
- π Roadside picnic (1972)
- π Augustus (1972)
- π The forever war (1974)
- π The shining (1977)
- π 1978: hitchhikers guide to the galaxy
- π The soul of new machine (1981)
- π The wasp factory (1984)
- π Blood meridian (1985)
- π The silence of the lambs (1988)
- π Geek love (1989)
- π The remains of the day (1989)
- π The story of B: an adventure of the mind and spirit (1996)
- π Infinite jest (1996)
- π The perks of being a wallflower (1999)
- π Cryptonomicon (1999)
- π House of leaves (2000)
- π The road (2006)
- π The metamorphosis of prime intellect (2007)
- π The passage (2010)
- π Harry potter and the methods of rationality (2015)
- π Unsong (2017)
- π Ficciones (1941-1956)
- π The little prince (1943)
- π The last question (1956)
- π Franz kafka: the complete stories (1971)
- π Understand (1991)
- π Story of your life (1998)
- π The fable of the dragon-tyrant (2005)
- π Relativity: the special and the general theory (1916)
- π University physics with modern physics
- π Nonlinear dynamics and chaos (1994)
- π Pale blue dot (1994)
- π Black holes and time warps (1994)
- π The fabric of the cosmos (2004)
- π Fields of colour: the theory that escaped Einstein (2010)
- π The theoretical minimum (2013)
- π The feynman lectures on physics (2013)
- π TCP/IP network administration (1992)
- π Tcp/IP illustrated (1993)
- π Interconnections: bridges, routers, switches, and internetworking protocols (1999)
- π Computer networking: a top-down approach (2000)
- π Unix network programming, volume 1: the sockets networking api (2003)
- π TCP/IP guide (2005)
- π High performance browser networking (2013)
- π Openssl cookbook (2015)
- π Beej's guide to network programming (2016)
- π An introduction to computer networks
- π A mathematician's apology (1940)
- π Handbook of mathematics (1945)
- π Fantasia mathematica (1958)
- π GΓΆdel's proof (1958)
- π Sphereland (1965)
- π Topology from a differentiable viewpoint (1965)
- π An introduction to commutative algebra (1969)
- π Mathematics made difficult (1972)
- π A course in arithmetic (1973)
- π Introductory functional analysis with applications (1978)
- π A book of abstract algebra (1982)
- π To mock a mockingbird (1985)
- π Proofs and types (1989)
- π Concrete mathematics (1994)
- π How to prove it (1994)
- π Linear algebra done right (1995)
- π Visual complex analysis (1997)
- π Geometry and the imagination (1999)
- π Combinatorial Optimization: Polyhedra and Efficiency (2002)
- π A first course in linear algebra (2004)
- π The haskell road to logic, math and programming (2004)
- π The art of problem solving (2006)
- π Category Theory (2006)
- π Logicomix (2008)
- π The princeton companion to mathematics (2008)
- π Visual group theory (2009)
- π Essentials of discrete mathematics (2009)
- π Foundations of analysis (2012)
- π Homotopy type theory (2013)
- π The napkin project (2017)
- π Mathematics for computer science (2017)
- π Immersive linear algebra (2017)
- π Physically based rendering: from theory to implementation
- π Invitation to ergodic theory
- π Linear algebra
- π Algorithm design manual (1987)
- π Introduction to algorithms (1990)
- π Algorithm design (2005)
- π Algorithms etc by jeff erickson (2015)
- π Algorithm design: parallel and sequential
- π Tao te ching (6th century BC)
- π Meditations (161)
- π The Zen Teaching of Huang Po: On the Transmission of Mind (857)
- π Siddhartha (1922)
- π How to win friends and influence people (1936)
- π Think and grow rich (1937)
- π The stranger (1942)
- π Manβs search for meaning (1946)
- π The wisdom of insecurity: a message for an age of anxiety (1951)
- π The first and last freedom (1954)
- π The way of zen (1957)
- π The book on the taboo against knowing who you are (1966)
- π Zen Mind, Beginner's Mind: Informal Talks on Zen Meditation and Practice (1970)
- π Be here now (1971)
- π The Way of the Bodhisattva (1971)
- π The inner game of tennis (1974)
- π The 7 habits of highly effective people (1989)
- π The Zen Teaching of Bodhidharma (1989)
- π Peace is every step (1990)
- π Mindfulness in plain english (1992)
- π Mastery: the keys to success and long term fulfilment (1992)
- π The Four Noble Truths (1992)
- π No Ajahn Chah: Reflections (1994)
- π The Art of Happiness (1998)
- π The Quantum and the Lotus (2000)
- π Emptiness dancing (2004)
- π Mindfulness, Bliss, and Beyond: A Meditator's Handbook (2006)
- π Eating animals (2009)
- π The happiness advantage (2010)
- π Models (2011)
- π Mastery (2012)
- π A mind for numbers: how to excel at math and science (2014)
- π Spaciousness: The Radical Dzogchen of the Vajra-Heart: Longchenpa's Treasury of the Dharmadhatu (2014)
- π Waking up: a guide to spirituality without religion (2014)
- π Deep Work: Rules for Focused Success in a Distracted World (2016)
- π Concentration and meditation
- π Paradigms of artificial intelligence programming (1991)
- π Artificial intelligence a modern approach (1994)
- π Machine learning (1997)
- π The quest for artificial intelligence - a history of ideas and achievements (2009)
- π Introduction to artificial intelligence (2011)
- π Machine learning: a probabilistic perspective (2012)
- π Superintelligence: paths, dangers, strategies (2014)
- π Understanding machine learning: from theory to algorithms (2014)
- π Neural Networks and Deep Learning (2015)
- π Tensorflow machine learning cookbook (2017)
- π Deep learning
- π Capital (1867)
- π Reading capital
- π Kapitalism 101
- π Imperialism, the highest stage of capitalism (1917)
- π The worldly philosophers (1953)
- π Principles of economics (1997)
- π Microeconomics and behaviour (2000)
- π Debt: first 5000 years (2011)
- π How asia works: success and failure in the worldβs most dynamic region (2013)
- π Capital in the twenty first century (2013)
- π Economics: the user's guide (2014)
- π The visual display of quantitative information (1983)
- π The elements of statistical learning (2001)
- π All of statistics (2004)
- π Introduction to bayesian statistics (2007)
- π Think bayes: bayesian statistics made simple (2012)
- π An introduction to statistical learning: with applications in r (2013)
- π Statistical rethinking: a bayesian course with examples in R and Stan (2015)
- π Computational and inferential thinking (2017)
- π The souls of black folk (1903)
- π Gravityβs rainbow (1973)
- π The gulag archipelago (1973)
- π American slavery, american freedom (1975)
- π A peopleβs history of the united states (1980)
- π The making of atomic bomb (1986)
- π Lenin's tomb: the last days of the soviet empire (1993)
- π Why the allies won (1995)
- π Lies my teacher told me (1995)
- π Guns, germs, and steel: the fates of human societies (1997)
- π Two hundred years together (2002)
- π Masters of doom (2003)
- π Stalin: the court of the red tsar (2003)
- The Third Reich trilogy (2003-2008)
- π Sapiens: a brief history of humankind (2011)
- π The origins of political order (2011)
- π The idea factory: bell labs and the great age of american innovation (2012)
- π The sixth extinction: an unnatural history (2014)
- π Political order and political decay (2014)
- π Conquerors: how portugal forged the first global empire (2015)
- π Homo deus: a brief history of tomorrow (2015)
- π The new turing omnibus (1989)
- π Introduction to the theory of computation (1996)
- π Purely functional data structures (1996)
- π Types and programming languages (2002)
- π Advanced topics in types and programming languages (2004)
- π The elements of computing systems (2005)
- π Annotated turing (2008)
- π The nature of computation (2011)
- π Software foundations (2011)
- π Introduction to data compression (2012)
- π Modern quantum chemistry: introduction to advanced electronic structure theory (1982)
- π Tryptamines i have known and loved: the chemistry continues (1997)
- π Drugs 2.0: the web revolution that's changing how the world gets high (2013)
- π Compilers: Principles, Techniques, and Tools (1986)
- π Modern Compiler Implementation in ML (1997)
- π Advanced compiler design and implementation
- π The structure of scientific revolutions (1962)
- π Cosmos (1980)
- π A brief history of time (1988)
- π The demon-haunted world (1995)
- π A short history of nearly everything (2003)
- π What if? (2014)
- π The sirens of titan (1959)
- π Stranger in a strange land (1961)
- π Catβs cradle (1963)
- π Do androids dream of electric sheep? (1968)
- π Ubik (1969)
- π The mote in god's eye (1974)
- π Neuromancer (1984)
- π Enderβs game (1985)
- π The player of games (1988)
- π A fire upon the deep (1992)
- π Snow crash (1992)
- π Permutation city (1994)
- π The diamond age (1995)
- π The martian (2011)
- π Golden son (2015)
- π The dispossessed
- π Blindsight
- π The baroque cycle
- π Hyperion cantos
- π The dark tower
- π Foundation
- π Red rising
- π Culture
- π Rama
- π The effective executive (1967)
- π The hard things about hard things (2014)
- π Give and take: why helping others drives our success (2014)
- π The invisible landscape: mind, hallucinogens, and the i ching (1994)
- π The Cosmic Serpent: DNA and the origins of knowledge (1998)
- π Breaking open the head (2002)
- π Supernatural: meetings with the ancient teachers of mankind (2005)
- π Godel, escher, bach (1979) - Explores fundamental concepts of mathematics, symmetry and intelligence and how they interlink.
- π Prometheus rising (1983)
- π Finite and infinite games (1986)
- π The stuff of thought (2007)
- π The man who mistook his wife for a hat (1985)
- π Descartes' error (1994)
- π Principles of neural science (2000)
- π Molecular basis of neuropharmacology: a foundation for clinical neuroscience (2001)
- π Synaptic self: how our brains become who we are (2002)
- π The Brain That Changes Itself (2007)
- π Thinking, fast and slow (2011)
- π Tricks of the 3D game programming gurus-advanced 3D graphics and rasterisation (2003)
- π Game programming patterns
- π The autobiography of malcolm x (1965)
- π Napoleon bonaparte: an intimate biography (1971)
- π The power broker (1974)
- π Surely youβre joking mr Feynman (1984)
- π The man who knew infinity: a life of the genius ramanujan (1991)
- π Speak, memory (1951)
- π Madame curie: a biography (2001)
- π Benjamin franklin: an american life (2004)
- π Team of rivals: the political genius of abraham lincoln (2005)
- π Einstein: his life and universe (2007)
- π The strangest man (2009)
- π Steve jobs (2011)
- π Elon musk: tesla, spacex, and the quest for a fantastic future (2015)
- π Trump revealed: the definitive biography of the 45th president (2017)
- π Operating system concepts (1983)
- π Modern operating systems (1992)
- π Programming with Posix Threads (1993)
- π An efficient implementation of fundamental operating system services (1992)
- π Operating Systems: From 0 to 1
- π Walden (1854)
- π The world of yesterday (1942)
- π On writing (2000)
- π A thousand tiny failures: memoirs of a pickup artist (2014)
- π The database hackerβs handbook (2005) - Most detailed book available for attacking databases (covers basic through advanced topics).
- π A guide to kernel exploitation (2010) - Advanced exploitation of a range of operating systems.
- π The tangled web (2011) - Detailed look at the foundations of web protocols followed by a thorough examination of their weakness.
- π The web application hackers handbook (2014)
- π The browser hacker's handbook (2014) - A detailed look into many web security topics.
- π The non-designer's design book (1994)
- π Design meets disability (2009)
- π The design of everyday things
- π The best interface is no interface: the simple path to brilliant technology
- π The road to serfdom (1944)
- π The anatomy of the state (1974)
- π Understanding power: the indispensable chomsky (2002)
- π The dictator's handbook: why bad behaviour is almost always good politics (2011)
- π The democracy project: a history, a crisis, a movement (2013)
- π The selfish gene (1976)
- π Darwin's dangerous idea (1995)
- π Life ascending: the ten great inventions of evolution (2009)
- π Homage to catalonia (1938)
- π Into thin air (1997)
- π Damned lies and statistics (2001)
- π Coders at work: reflections on the craft of programming (2009)
- π The code book (1999)
- π Engineering security (2014)
- π A graduate corse in applied cryptography (2016)
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