This plugin package includes helpful features to get you on your way to create your game in RPG Maker MZ.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


This plugin package includes helpful features to get you on your way to create your game in RPG Maker MZ.

Developer's Note

During the RPG Maker MV era, I wrote over 150+ plugins since 2015. However, after the release of RPG Maker MZ and my transition into a web development career, I found myself with less time to work. By the time I got home from work, I was completely exhausted and couldn’t do anything. This made porting plugins very challenging. In the five years following MZ’s release, I managed to port only around 40+ plugins. Meanwhile, many plugins with similar functionalities were released, leading some to lose the will to port them. Today, the presence of numerous AIs further diminishes my motivation.

However, I have not stopped coding and continue to be actively involved, promptly addressing any incoming issues. Although I mostly participate in Korean communities (such as Discord), I always keep an eye on GitHub issues—so please feel free to actively use the issue tracker.

How to upstream to MV repository

to upstream to MV repository, you need to follow the steps below:

git clone https://github.com/biud436/MZ.git
cd ./MZ

and then, you can add a new remote repository and push your changes to it (maintainer only).

git remote add MV-1 https://github.com/biud436/MV.git
git push MV-1 master:MZ # git push remote-name <source:destination>

Credit and Thanks


Terms of Use

Free for commercial and non-commercial use.


The MIT License (MIT)