
Bizanc Blockchain

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Bizanc Blockchain

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What is Bizanc?

Bizanc is a decentralized platform for commercialization of digital assets, operating on a Blockchain architecture, allowing trading of cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin, Ether and Tokens of the Ethereum network, as well as the issuance of Tokens within the Bizanc network itself. The platform aims to enable, in addition to a market of strictly digital assets, the tokenization and negotiation of conventional tangible and financial assets, such as: bonds, commodities, derivatives, reward and loyalty program points, and other fiduciary currencies. The decentralized structure of the Bizanc network confers a highly resilient, superior environment in availability and security by eliminating single points of failure, and reducing transaction costs compared to conventional solutions. Bizanc aims to provide greater liquidity to cryptocurrencies and accelerate the adoption of decentralized solutions by the market.

More information:


Bizanc.io.Core - Quick Start


  • Docker - Version 18.09 +(Higher)
  • Docker Compose - Version 1.18.0 +(Higher)
  • Disk Space - 10 Giga (09/09/2019).

***Warning: Windows version 8 or lower, does not work properly with docker, we recommend install VirtualBox and Linux distro, to execute with docker.

Docker Instalation

Docker docs: https://docs.docker.com/install/

Docker tutorial:

Docker Compose tutorial:

pip install docker-compose


sudo pip install docker-compose

Download code

Download the code on: https://github.com/bizanc/Bizanc.io.Core

Unzip on select path.


Using git:

cd ~/Desktop/myrepo$
git clone https://github.com/bizanc/Bizanc.io.Core.git

Update code

cd Bizanc.io.Core
git pull origin master

If it fails:

git stash
git pull origin master

Settings code

cd Bizanc.io.Core/Bizanc.io.Matching.App

Open appsettings.json

Add, MinerAddress with PUBLIC_KEY that you want to receive block rewards and fees and save it.

  "Node": {
    "Network": "mainnet",
    "ListenPort": 5558,
    "SeedAddress": "mainseed.bizanc.io",
    "SeedPort": 5558,
    "OracleBTCAddres": "18kSPJQuqY4VJFcJb1P3d5xBpFTsbM9PxK",
    "OracleETHAddres": "0xB288448caEb81700aD531Cd97c0bbF6C0bee6DF0",
    "BTCEndpoint": "http://btc.bizanc.io/",
    "ETHEndpoint": "https://mainnet.infura.io/v3/f2478498dd8c423ea9065f07a0c110ca",
    "Mine": "true",
    "Threads": 1,
    "ApiEndpoint": ""
    "MinerAddress": "PUBLIC_KEY_ADDRESS"


Run - Docker

cd Bizanc.io.Core
docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml up -d --build

Docker Logs:

docker logs -f "container_hash_id"

Once the docker has been update, into docker logs you will be able to see the logs, starting genesis block, get the initial Private and Public Key with funds and checkout the recents mined blocks

Stop Run - Docker

cd bizancio.core
docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml down

Remove Volumes - Docker

List and Remove:

docker volume ls

docker volume rm volume_name volume_name

Troubleshooting Volumes - Docker

docker volume rm bizanciocoremaster_biznode_datadir1

Error response from daemon: remove bizanciocoremaster_biznode_datadir1: volume is in use - [b93aaa66fe904eee9046b834e6b9c4c46b13ca211da54c2ba00329e32d9899bb]

To solve that issue, shutdown the container.

docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml down

docker volume rm bizanciocoremaster_biznode_datadir1

DEBUG Start - VScode

git clone https://github.com/bizanc/Bizanc.io.Core.git
cd Bizanc.io.Core

On VScode, click on Debug (ctrl + shift + D) and click on green flag to start the process

Once the process has been started, into DEBUG CONSOLE you will be able to see the logs, starting genesis block, get the initial Private and Public Key with funds and checkout the recents mined blocks

DEBUG Stop - VScode

cd bizancio.core

On VScode, click on Debug (ctrl + shift + D) and click on red flag (shift + f5) to stop the process

API Docs

To get the complete documentation about Bizanc API, please go to our swagger https://bizanc.io/api-docs/index.html



  • localhost:5001/api PATH:
  • /blocks
  • /offerbooks
  • /peers
  • /transactions
  • /wallet
  • /withdrawal


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE.md file for details