
Mango API Wrapper

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Circle CI

MangoPay nodejs APIv2 wrapper

This is not the official Mangopay Node library.
At this time they don't have one, so we'll see what's next.
It's here for a personal use and inspired by Stripe node api wrapper.

Feel free to use & contribute


npm install mangopay


Documentation is available at http://docs.mangopay.com/api-references

API Overview

Every resource is accessed via your mango instance:

var mango = require('mangopay')({
    username: 'username',
    password: 'passphrase',
    production: false
// mango.{ RESOURCE_NAME }.{ METHOD_NAME }()

Every resource method accepts an optional callback as the last argument:

  UserId: '2565355',
  CardNumber: '4970100000000154',
  CardExpirationDate: '0216',
  CardCvx: '123',
}, function(err, card, res){
  card; // mango card object 
  res; // raw 'http' response object => res.statusCode === 200

The callback gets called with three arguments: err, data and the raw response object. In case of an error, the data and response are still passed because the MangoPay API returns data together with errors, e.g. when attempting to retrieve a failed payOut.

Methods that list items (cards, transactions, users, etc...) can paginate, filter and sort fields using a special $query parameter:

  UserId: "123456789",
function(err, transactions, res){
  console.log('err', err);
  console.log('transactions', transactions);
  console.log('res', res.statusCode);

or alternatively you can pass a String: $query: "Sort=LastName:asc&page=1&per_page=100"

More information on the specific documentation page

Available resources & methods

Where you see params it is a plain JavaScript object, e.g. { Email: 'foo@example.com' }

  • user

Create natural user:

        FirstName:             "Victor"           // Required
      , LastName:              "Hugo"             // Required
      , Birthday:              1300186358         // Required
      , Nationality:           "FR"               // Required - default: 'FR'
      , CountryOfResidence:    "FR"               // Required - default: 'FR'
      , Occupation:            "Writer" 
      , IncomeRange:           "6" 
      , ProofOfIdentity:       ""
      , ProofOfAddress:        "" 
      , PersonType:            "NATURAL" 
      , Email:                 "victor@hugo.com" 
      , Tag:                   "custom tag"
      , Address:                 {
            AddressLine1: "4101 Reservoir Rd NW"
          , AddressLine2: ""
          , City: "Washington"
          , Region: "District of Columbia"
          , PostalCode: "20007"
          , Country: "US"
      , }
    }, function(err, user, res){
        console.log('err', err);
        console.log('user', user);
        console.log('res', res.statusCode);

Create natural user and wallet:

      FirstName: "Victor", // Required
      LastName: "Hugo",    // Required
      Birthday: 1300186358,  // Required
      Nationality: "FR", // Required, default: 'FR'
      CountryOfResidence: "FR", // Required, default: 'FR'
      Address: "1 rue des Misérables, Paris",
      Occupation: "Writer", 
      IncomeRange: "6", 
      ProofOfIdentity: null,
      ProofOfAddress: null, 
      PersonType: "NATURAL", 
      Email: "victor@hugo.com", 
      Tag: "custom tag",
    }, function(err, user, wallet){
        console.log('err', err);
        console.log('user', user);
        console.log('wallet', wallet);

Fetch natural user:

      Id: "123456789", // Required
    }, function(err, user, res){
        console.log('err', err);
        console.log('user', user);
        console.log('res', res.statusCode);

Update natural user:

      Id: "123456789", // Required
      // all the fields to be updated
    }, function(err, user, res){
        console.log('err', err);
        console.log('user', user);
        console.log('res', res.statusCode);

List natural users:


Create legal user:

      Name: 'mycompany.com', 
      Email: 'info@mycompany.com',
      LegalPersonType: 'BUSINESS',
      LegalRepresentativeFirstName: 'John',
      LegalRepresentativeLastName: 'Doe',
      LegalRepresentativeEmail: 'john_doe@mycompany.es',
      HeadquartersAddress: 'Canal Street, Madrid, Spain',
      LegalRepresentativeAddress: 'Canal Street, Madrid, Spain',
      LegalRepresentativeBirthday: moment('300681', 'DDMMYY').unix(),
      LegalRepresentativeCountryOfResidence: 'ES',
      LegalRepresentativeNationality: 'ES',
    }, function(err, user, res){
        console.log('err', err);
        console.log('user', user);
        console.log('res', res.statusCode);

Fetch legal user:

      Id: "123456789", // Required
    }, function(err, user, res){
        console.log('err', err);
        console.log('user', user);
        console.log('res', res.statusCode);

List all cards belonging to a user:

      UserId: "123456789", // Required
    }, function(err, cards, res){
        console.log('err', err);
        console.log('cards', cards);
        console.log('res', res.statusCode);

List all wallets belonging to a user:

      UserId: "123456789", // Required
    }, function(err, wallets, res){
        console.log('err', err);
        console.log('wallets', wallets);
        console.log('res', res.statusCode);

List all transactions belonging to a user:

      UserId: "123456789", // Required
    }, function(err, transactions, res){
        console.log('err', err);
        console.log('transactions', transactions);
        console.log('res', res.statusCode);

List all bank accounts linked to a user:

      UserId: "123456789", // Required
    }, function(err, bankaccounts, res){
        console.log('err', err);
        console.log('bankaccounts', bankaccounts);
        console.log('res', res.statusCode);
  • wallet

Create wallet for a user:

        Owners: ["1167492"], // Required
        Description: "A very cool wallet", // Required, default: 'wallet'
        Currency: "EUR", // Required, default: 'EUR'
        Tag: "your custom tag"
    }, function(err, wallet, res){
        console.log('err', err);
        console.log('wallet', wallet);
        console.log('res', res.statusCode);

Fetch wallet by id:

        Id: "1167492", // Required
    }, function(err, wallet, res){
        console.log('err', err);
        console.log('wallet', wallet);
        console.log('res', res.statusCode);

Transfer e-money from a wallet to another wallet:

        AuthorId : "1167495", // Required
        DebitedFunds: {Currency : "EUR", Amount : 1000}, // Required
        Fees : {Currency : "EUR", Amount : 100}, // Required, default 'EUR' and 0 
        DebitedWalletID : "1167496", // Required (Where the funds are held before the transfer)
        CreditedWalletID : "1167504", // Required (Where the funds will be held after the transfer)
        CreditedUserId : "1167502",
        Tag : "DefaultTag"
    }, function(err, transfer, res){
        console.log('err', err);
        console.log('transfer', transfer);
        console.log('res', res.statusCode);

For a complete list of available parameters check http://docs.mangopay.com/api-references/transfers/

Fetch transfer:

        Id: "1167492", // Required
    }, function(err, transfer, res){
        console.log('err', err);
        console.log('transfer', transfer);
        console.log('res', res.statusCode);

Fetch all transactions for a given wallet:

      Id: "123456789", // Required
    }, function(err, transaction, res){
        console.log('err', err);
        console.log('transaction', transcation);
        console.log('res', res.statusCode);

Create refund:

        Id: "1122477",        // Required (The ID of the Transfer)  
        AuthorId: "1167492",  // Required (The user ID of the Transfer transaction’s author)    
    }, function(err, refund, res){
        console.log('err', err);
        console.log('refund', refund);
        console.log('res', res.statusCode);

Fetch refund:

        Id: "1348477",        // Required (The ID of the Refund)  
    }, function(err, refund, res){
        console.log('err', err);
        console.log('refund', refund);
        console.log('res', res.statusCode);
  • card

Register a card:

      UserId: '2565355',
      CardNumber: '4970100000000154',
      CardExpirationDate: '0216',
      CardCvx: '123',
    }, function(err, card, res){
      card; // mango card object 
      res; // raw 'http' response object => res.statusCode === 200

Init two-step card registration process:

      UserId: '2565355',
      Currency: "EUR"
    }, function(err, registration, res){
      registration; // mango registration object 
      res; // raw 'http' response object => res.statusCode === 200

Fetch a registered card:

      Id: '2565355', // Required
    }, function(err, card, res){
        console.log('err', err);
        console.log('card', card);
        console.log('res', res.statusCode);

Update a registered card:

The only editable parameter is Active, that can be switched from true to false and this action is irreversible.

      Id: "2565355", // Required
    }, function(err, card, res){
        console.log('err', err);
        console.log('card', card);
        console.log('res', res.statusCode);
  • bank

Register a bank account for a user:

        OwnerName: "Victor Hugo",           // Required
        UserId: "1345678",                  // Required
        Type: "IBAN",                       // Required, Default: 'IBAN'
        OwnerAddress: "1 rue des Misérables", // Required
        IBAN: "FR3020041010124530725S03383", // Required
        BIC: "CRLYFRPP"                     // Required
    }, function(err, bankaccount, res){
        console.log('err', err);
        console.log('bankaccount', bankaccount);
        console.log('res', res.statusCode);

Get a bank account:

      UserId: '2565355', // Required
      BankId: '1234566', // Required
    }, function(err, bankaccount, res){
        console.log('err', err);
        console.log('bankaccount', bankaccount);
        console.log('res', res.statusCode);

Withdraw money from a wallet to a bank account:

        AuthorId:"12567875",        // Required
        DebitedWalletId:"12449234", // Required
        DebitedFunds:{              // Required
        Fees:{                      // Required, Default: 'EUR', 0
        BankAccountId:"12449209",  // Required
        BIC: "CRLYFRPP"            // Required
    }, function(err, wire, res){
        console.log('err', err);
        console.log('wire', wire);
        console.log('res', res.statusCode);

Get wire:

      Id: '2565355', // Required
    }, function(err, wire, res){
        console.log('err', err);
        console.log('wire', wire);
        console.log('res', res.statusCode);
  • author

    • create(params)
  • document

    • create(params)
    • createWithFile(params)
    • addFile(params)
    • fetch(params)
    • update(params)
  • payin

Create a direct payin by tokenized card:

        AuthorId: "1167492",        // Required (The user ID of the Payin transaction’s author)
        CreditedUserId : "1167502", // Required (The ID of the owner of the credited wallet)
        DebitedFunds: {             // Required
              Currency: "EUR",
              Amount: 10000
        Fees: {               // Required
              Currency: "EUR",
              Amount: 100
        CreditedWalletId: "1167810",                   // Required (The ID of the credited wallet)
        CardId: "1262419",                             // Required
        SecureModeReturnURL:"https://www.mysite.com",  //Required
        Tag: "payin"                                   // Required

    }, function(err, payin, res){
        console.log('err', err);
        console.log('payin', payin);
        console.log('res', res.statusCode);

Create a direct payin by card:

        AuthorId: "1167492",        // Required (The user ID of the Payin transaction’s author)
        CreditedUserId : "1167502", // Required (The ID of the owner of the credited wallet)
        DebitedFunds: {             // Required
              Currency: "EUR",
              Amount: 10000
        Fees: {                     // Required
              Currency: "EUR",
              Amount: 100
        CreditedWalletId: "1167810",  // Required (The ID of the credited wallet)
        Culture: "nl",
        CardType: "IDEAL",            // Required
        Tag: "payin" // Required
    }, function(err, payin, res){
        console.log('err', err);
        console.log('payin', payin);
        console.log('res', res.statusCode);

Create a direct payin by direct debit:

        AuthorId: "1167492",        // Required (The user ID of the Payin transaction’s author)
        CreditedUserId : "1167502", // Required (The ID of the owner of the credited wallet)
        DebitedFunds: {             // Required
              Currency: "EUR",
              Amount: 10000
        Fees: {                     // Required
              Currency: "EUR",
              Amount: 100
        CreditedWalletId: "1167810",  // Required (The ID of the credited wallet)
        Culture: "de",
        DirectDebitType: "SOFORT",    // Required
        Tag: "payin"                  // Required
    }, function(err, payin, res){
        console.log('err', err);
        console.log('payin', payin);
        console.log('res', res.statusCode);

Fetch payin:

        Id: "1122477",        // Required (The ID of the Payin)        
    }, function(err, payin, res){
        console.log('err', err);
        console.log('payin', payin);
        console.log('res', res.statusCode);

Create refund:

        Id: "1122477",        // Required (The ID of the Payin)  
        AuthorId: "1167492",  // Required (The user ID of the Payin transaction’s author)    
    }, function(err, refund, res){
        console.log('err', err);
        console.log('refund', refund);
        console.log('res', res.statusCode);

Fetch refund:

        Id: "1348477",        // Required (The ID of the Refund)  
    }, function(err, refund, res){
        console.log('err', err);
        console.log('refund', refund);
        console.log('res', res.statusCode);
  • hook

Create a hook:

        Url: "https://my_notifications_end_point.com", // Required 
        EventType: "PAYIN_NORMAL_SUCCEDED",  // Required
        Tag: "hook"

    }, function(err, hook, res){
        console.log('err', err);
        console.log('hook', hook);
        console.log('res', res.statusCode);

List all hooks:

    mango.hook.list(function(err, hooks, res){
        console.log('err', err);
        console.log('hooks', hooks);
        console.log('res', res.statusCode);

Fetch hook:

        Id: "12345678"
    }, function(err, hook, res){
        console.log('err', err);
        console.log('hook', hook);
        console.log('res', res.statusCode);

update hook:

        Id: "12345678",
        Status: "DISABLED"
    }, function(err, hook, res){
        console.log('err', err);
        console.log('hook', hook);
        console.log('res', res.statusCode);


npm test
don't forget to provide credentials in test/__credentials.json


  • oauth implementation
  • user methods only works for "Natural Users"
  • exhaustive api methods
  • ...