
REST API for Wireguard

Primary LanguageJavaMIT LicenseMIT

WireRest - REST API for Wireguard

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WireRest is a powerful, restful stateless API for Wireguard. With built-in caching, it is optimized to work with large configurations. You can use it both for your small private server and for high-load public applications. It is written in Java using Spring Boot and Spring WebFlux.

DEMO: http://wr-demo.fokidoki.su:8081/swagger-ui


  • Get all peers (sorting is available)
  • Automatically create and add peer
  • Manually create and add peer
  • Delete peer
  • Update peer
  • Get peer by public key
  • Get interface configuration
  • Get general config (interface) information
  • Token authentication

How to run:

[!!] Java 20 is required (how to install)

Simple run:

wget https://github.com/FokiDoki/WireRest/releases/download/0.6-BETTA/wirerest-0.6.jar
sudo java -jar wirerest-0.6.jar --wg.interface.name=wg0

Replace wg0 with the name of your Wireguard interface. Use sudo wg show to list all active Wireguard interfaces if you don't know your interface name.


sudo java -jar wirerest-0.6.jar --parameter=value --parameter2=value2 ...

The default port is 8081.

If the launch was successful, you can check the list of available methods and parameters in swagger at http://SERVER-IP:8081/swagger-ui

Available run parameters:

All parameters that are set as an example are the default values

  • --wg.interface.name=wg0 - Wireguard interface name
  • --security.token=admin - Token for access to API (change it! If you want to disable token auth, set it to empty string). More info
  • --server.port=8081 - WireRest port
  • --wg.cache.enabled=true - Enable or disable caching (true is recommended). More info about caching here
  • --wg.interface.default.mask=32 - Mask for ip of new peers
  • --wg.interface.default.persistent-keepalive=0 - Default persistent keepalive for new clients
  • --wg.cache.update-interval=60 - Cache update interval (seconds). it is needed to track changes that have occurred bypassing WireRest. A shorter interval can increase CPU usage. Be careful with this parameter.
  • --logging.api.max-elements=1000 - The maximum number of logs that will be saved for access to them through the API

Token authentication

Each request to the API must contain a token. The token is set in the --security.token parameter. If you want to disable token authentication, set it to empty.

Token can be passed in two ways:

  1. As a query parameter like /v1/peers?token=TOKEN
  2. As a header (basic access authentication): Authorization: Basic TOKEN


WireRest has built-in caching. It is enabled by default. Caching greatly improves performance on large configurations. The cache is updated every --wg.cache.update-interval seconds (default 60 seconds).
Quick overview:

  • transferRx, transferTx and latestHandshake fields are updated after every sync
  • Peer creation, deletion, and update operations work instantly.
  • If you update the wireguard configuration bypassing WireRest, the changes will appear in WireRest during the next sync

It's recommended to use caching, but if you want to disable it, set --wg.cache.enabled=false


You can monitoring Wireguard and WIreRest with prometheus.

WireGuard metrics:

  • Number of peers
  • Number of avaliable/total IPs
  • Network TX/RX for all clients in config

WireRest metrics:

  • WireRest CPU/RAM usage
  • Uptime
  • Endpoints requests
  • RPS
  • etc.

You also can download grafana dashboard. Guide how to install and dashboard avaliable here or here

How to install Java 20

For x64 systems:

sudo apt-get update
wget https://download.oracle.com/java/20/latest/jdk-20_linux-x64_bin.deb
sudo dpkg -i jdk-20_linux-x64_bin.deb

If you get an error dpkg: error processing package jdk-20
Run this command:

apt --fix-broken install

And then run dpkg again sudo dpkg -i jdk-20_linux-x64_bin.deb

For arm64 systems:

wget https://download.oracle.com/java/20/latest/jdk-20_linux-aarch64_bin.rpm
sudo rpm -i jdk-20_linux-aarch64_bin.rpm

Add JAVA_HOME to your environment variables (for all systems):

Open .bashrc file

nano ~/.bashrc

Add this lines to the end of the file:

export JAVA_HOME="/usr/lib/jvm/jdk-20/"
export PATH=$JAVA_HOME/bin:$PATH

Save and exit the file, then relogin

Then check if java is installed:

java -version
> java version "20.0.1" 2023-04-18
> Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 20.0.1+9-29)
> Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 20.0.1+9-29, mixed mode, sharing)

Continue installation

You can find the tar archive with Java 20 here


Get all peers:

curl -X 'GET' \
  'http://localhost:8081/v1/peers?limit=1' \
  -H 'accept: application/json'
  "totalPages": 100,
  "currentPage": 0,
  "content": [
      "publicKey": "ALD3x7qWP0W/4zC26jFozxw28vXJsazA33KnHF+AfHw=",
      "presharedKey": "3hFqZXqzO+YkVL4nX2siavxK1Z3h5lRLkEQz1qf3giI=",
      "endpoint": "",
      "allowedSubnets": [
      "latestHandshake": 1690200786,
      "transferRx": 12345,
      "transferTx": 54321,
      "persistentKeepalive": 25

Create peer automatically:

curl -X 'POST' \
  'http://localhost:8081/v1/peers' \
  -H 'accept: application/json'
  "publicKey": "cHViREF4TWc9PUZha2VQdWJLZXkgICAgICAyMDAxMw==",
  "presharedKey": "RmFrZVBza0tleUZha2VQc2tLZXkgICAgICAyMDAxNA==",
  "privateKey": "RmFrZVBydktleUZha2VQcnZLZXkgICAgICAyMDAxMg==",
  "allowedSubnets": [
  "persistentKeepalive": 0

Create peer with custom parameters:

curl -X 'POST' \
  'http://localhost:8081/v1/peers?publicKey=RmFrZVBydktleUZha2VQcnZLZXkgICAgICAyMDAxNQ%3D%3D&presharedKey=RmFrZVBza0tleUZha2VQc2tLZXkgICAgICAyMDAxNw%3D%3D&privateKey=cHViREF4TlE9PUZha2VQdWJLZXkgICAgICAyMDAxNg%3D%3D&allowedIps=' \
  -H 'accept: application/json'
  "publicKey": "RmFrZVBydktleUZha2VQcnZLZXkgICAgICAyMDAxNQ==",
  "presharedKey": "RmFrZVBza0tleUZha2VQc2tLZXkgICAgICAyMDAxNw==",
  "privateKey": "cHViREF4TlE9PUZha2VQdWJLZXkgICAgICAyMDAxNg==",
  "allowedSubnets": [
  "persistentKeepalive": 25

Delete peer:

curl -X 'DELETE' \
  'http://localhost:8081/v1/peers?publicKey=AhM4WLR7ETzLYDQ0zEq%2F0pvbYAxsbLwzzlIAdWhR7yg%3D' \
  -H 'accept: application/json'
  "publicKey": "AhM4WLR7ETzLYDQ0zEq/0pvbYAxsbLwzzlIAdWhR7yg=",
  "presharedKey": "3hFqZXqzO+YkVL4nX2siavxK1Z3h5lRLkEQz1qf3giI=",
  "endpoint": "",
  "allowedSubnets": [
  "latestHandshake": 1690200786,
  "transferRx": 12345,
  "transferTx": 54321,
  "persistentKeepalive": 25

Update peer:

curl -X 'PATCH' \
  'http://localhost:8081/v1/peers?publicKey=cHViREF4T0E9PUZha2VQdWJLZXkgICAgICAyMDAxOQ%3D%3D&presharedKey=%2BEWn9NeR2pVuFHihYMC6LKreccd5VIW4prUkzHLy0nw%3D' \
  -H 'accept: application/json'
  "publicKey": "cHViREF4T0E9PUZha2VQdWJLZXkgICAgICAyMDAxOQ==",
  "presharedKey": "+EWn9NeR2pVuFHihYMC6LKreccd5VIW4prUkzHLy0nw=",
  "endpoint": "",
  "allowedSubnets": [
  "latestHandshake": 1690200786,
  "transferRx": 12345,
  "transferTx": 54321,
  "persistentKeepalive": 25

Get peer by public key:

curl -X 'GET' \
  'http://localhost:8081/v1/peers/find?publicKey=cHViREF4T0E9PUZha2VQdWJLZXkgICAgICAyMDAxOQ%3D%3D' \
  -H 'accept: application/json'
  "publicKey": "cHViREF4T0E9PUZha2VQdWJLZXkgICAgICAyMDAxOQ==",
  "presharedKey": "+EWn9NeR2pVuFHihYMC6LKreccd5VIW4prUkzHLy0nw=",
  "endpoint": "",
  "allowedSubnets": [
  "latestHandshake": 1690200786,
  "transferRx": 12345,
  "transferTx": 54321,
  "persistentKeepalive": 25

curl -X 'GET' \
  'http://localhost:8081/v1/interface' \
  -H 'accept: application/json'
  "privateKey": "RmFrZVBydktleUZha2VQcnZLZXkgICAgICAgICAgMA==",
  "publicKey": "cHViQ0FnTVE9PUZha2VQdWJLZXkgICAgICAgICAgMg==",
  "listenPort": 16666,
  "fwMark": 0

Get logs of service:

curl -X 'GET' \
  'http://localhost:8081/v1/service/logs?from=0&limit=100' \
  -H 'accept: application/json'
    "level": "INFO",
    "message": "Init duration for springdoc-openapi is: 529 ms",
    "timestamp": 1690301255231
    "level": "ERROR",
    "message": "Peer with public key ALD3x7qWP0W/4zC26jFozxw28vXJsazA33KnHF+AfHw= not found",
    "timestamp": 1690301333239

These are all just examples, more parameters and example responses can be found in your version of swagger ui

How to build:

mvn clean package


  • Callback API