
Solutions to exercises from the book "Cracking the Coding Interview"

Primary LanguageSwift

Cracking The Coding Interview

This playground is a collection of solutions to some of the exercises in this book:

This work is intended as a reference on how to solve typical coding exercises that may be asked during a technical interview, using Swift as the language of choice.


  • Written in Swift 2.0.
  • Tested on Xcode 7.0 beta 3.
  • Each chapter is included as a Swift module file.
  • The list of exercises is incomplete and the solutions are entirely my own, not the ones in the book. Feel free to send me pull requests with updates/fixes.
  • Some solutions are flagged as incorrect.
  • The main focus of the code is on the algorithms required to solve the exercises. An attempt to use good Swift coding practices has been made, however much better material on Swift best practices is available elsewhere.

Some background

Hash Tables (Dictionary)

  • Count occurrences of characters/strings in sets. Useful to check for uniqueness / remove duplicates (no second pass required)

Linked Lists

  • Runner technique (use two pointers, one can move faster or be k steps ahead...). Useful to detect loops,
  • Note: Removal of one node can be done in O(1)
  • Can partition linked lists by manipulation of nodes/data
  • Can implement addition of two linked lists of digits. Careful with exit conditions
  • Check if list is palindrome: Get to half of list with 2-by-1 steps runner and build reverse of first half, then compare with the rest.

Stacks & queues

  • Stack is LIFO, implemented as array or queue, has peek method
  • Implement three stacks with one array: just indices manipulation and insert in place (O(n)). Check if stacks have fixed or dynamic length
  • Array with push, pop, min, all in O(1). Idea: store min value in node at each push so that min is retained across push/pop operations
  • SetOfStacks problem (shows OO skills)
  • Can solve Tower of Hanoi (solve subproblems with correct choice of origin, buffer, destination)
  • Can implement a queue using 2 stacks (reversal is needed, at minimum on pop or peek)
  • Sorting stacks? Can be done but tricky, needs load/unload to separate stack
  • Animal shelter problem with 2 queues (OO skills)

Trees & Graphs

  • Assumptions (binary vs binary search tree, balanced vs unbalanced, full & complete)
  • Tries ??
  • DFS, BFS


  • Check if binary tree is balanced: scans whole tree passing min and max depth as inout parameters
  • Shortest path between two nodes in graph? Use BFS, keeping track of nodes already visited.
  • Create binary search tree of minimal height out of sorted array: binary search with method to create a subtree out of [left, right] subarray
  • Create linked lists of levels of a tree: In order trasversal, level passed around and used to add to correct list, can also be implemented with BFS
  • Check if binary tree is binary search tree: scan subtrees by passing correct min/max boundaries
  • Find next in-order successor in BST: find in descendants, find in ancestors being careful of returning the first one that is on the right of the given node
  • Find common ancestors of two nodes in binary tree (messy, won’t ask)
  • Find subtree in tree. Needs identical method to be called on each node of tree. Interesting complexity

Bit Manipulation

  • getBit, setBit, clearBit, updateBit (can be done in ranges)
  • Insert M into N at position j...i: use masking, shifting, or with result
  • Given a double between 0 and 1, print the binary representation. Loop with mulitplication by 2 and adding n >= 1 ? “1” : “0” to output string, stops when n == 0
  • Given a positive integer, print the next smallest and next largest number that have the same number of 1 bits in their binary representation (won’t ask in interview)
  • ((n & n-1) == 0) checks if power of 2
  • Number of bits to flip to convert A into B: for (c = a ^ b; c != 0; c = c & (c-1)) count++ (uses xor property, and count how many times we need to flip the least significant bit)
  • Swap odd and even bits of an integer with as few ops as possible -> ((x & 0x55555555) >> 1) | ((x & 0xAAAAAAAA) << 1)
  • Implement drawHorizontalLine on a matrix of bits(M, w, x1, x2, y) -> careful choice of offsets and boundary conditions

Mathematics and probability

  • Primes, divisibility, etc.
  • P(A and B) = P(B given A)P(A)
  • P(A or B) = P(A) + P(B) - P(A and B)
  • Independence: P(A and B) = P(A)P(B)
  • Mutually exclusive = P(A or B) = P(A) + P(B)
  • Binomial (n choose r) = n! / (n! (n - r)!)
  • Permutations of N elements = N!
  • For which values of p there is higher probability of making (1 hoop in 1 shot) or (at least 2 hoops on 3 shots). P(3 shots) = p^3, P(2 shots) = 3(1-p)p^2 P(2 or 3 shots) = 3p^2 - 2p^3 solve p > 3p^2 - 2p^3 -> p < 0.5
  • Probability of collision with ants walking on polygon
  • Implement subtract, multiply, divide using only add. Subtract: add -1 x times Multiply: choose the bigger as the base and add it N times divide: Check how many times b fits in A. Given a two dimensional graph with points on it, find a line which passes the most number of points -> Calculate lines across all pairs of points, store them in a hash map by slope

Recursion and Dynamic programming

  • Good for recursion: “compute the nth…”, “list the first n…”, “method to compute all…”
  • Bottom up recursion: solves f(n) given f(n-1)
  • Top down recursion: complex
  • Dynamic programming = recursion + caching
  • Child running up n stairs can do 1, 2, 3 hops, how many ways can do the stairs? Top down approach with cache
  • Robot on grid problem. How many paths to bottom right? binomial (X Y)
  • Find magic index (i = A[i]) in array -> Binary search + range scan for duplicates
  • Write a method to return all subsets of a set -> Recursion or combinatorics. Each step of the recursion doubles the solution by adding the new element to each of the subsets Remember: combinations are unordered (set = 2^N), permutations are (N!)
  • Write all permutations of a string of N characters: Base case and build by inserting new character in all possible positions
  • Algorithm to print all valid combinations of n-pairs of parentheses -> Recursive approach is inefficient in dealing with duplicates. using the rules yields better result. bottom up
  • paintfill with cached results to avoid doing unnecessary work
  • Calculate number of ways of representing n cents using 25,10,5,1 coins. It’s a top down approach, need to get the recursion properties right -> won’t ask during interview
  • Find all ways of arranging 8 queens in 8x8 chess board. Also top down with tricky recursion

Sorting and Searching

  • Bucket sort, Bubble Sort, Selection Sort, Insertion Sort, Merge Sort, Quick Sort, Binary search
  • Sort an array of strings so that they are grouped in anagrams -> Hash table with sorted character representation, or array sort with custom comparator
  • Find element in rotated sorted array -> hacky binary search
  • Find string in sorted array with empty strings -> hacky binary search -> MxN matrix with sorted rows, columns, find an element. 2 dimensional binary search -> Longest increasing subsequence on 2 dimensions. Sort either dimension and calculate longest increasing subsequence on other.
  • Stream of values, way of calculating rank. O(N) would be sorted array where rank is index. BST would be more efficient O(log N)