Flutter & Firebase Masterclass - eCommerce App

This is the official repo for this course:

Inside, we will build a full-stack eCommerce app using Flutter & Firebase:

eCommerce App Preview

To try it out, head over here:

Project Setup

To clone the repo for the first time and open it in VSCode, run this:

git clone https://github.com/bizz84/flutter-firebase-masterclass.git
cd flutter-firebase-masterclass
code .

This will checkout the main branch which contains the latest code.

But at various points in the course, I'll ask you to checkout a specific branch name, so you can follow along with the right code, at the right time.

And to prevent any conflicts, you may need to reset your local changes:

git reset --hard HEAD
git checkout <branch-name>

Firebase Setup

Since the project uses Firebase, some additional files will be needed:


These files have been added to .gitignore, so you need to run this command to generate them with the flutterfire CLI:

cd ecommerce_app
flutterfire configure

To ensure the Firebase rules and cloud functions are deployed, run:

firebase deploy

Stripe Setup

In module 8 of the course, we add Stripe to the eCommerce app.

For the Stripe code to work, a STRIPE_PUBLISHABLE_KEY needs to be set on the client.

To set it, create an .env file inside the ecommerce_app folder and add your Stripe publishable key:

# ecommerce_app/.env

Then, run the generator:

dart run build_runner build -d

This will generate an env.g.dart file inside lib.

As a result, the API key can be read as Env.stripePublishableKey in the Stripe setup code.


API keys defined with --dart-define-from-file were failing to load on Flutter web in release mode (see this answer and this comment). To work around that, the project now uses the Envied package.

Documentation site

A documentation site with useful FAQs and guides can be found here: