
A Python scraper for Substrate chains

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


This is a growing library of Python facilities to scrape Substrate and Moonbeam-based chains. Substrate chains are scraped using Subscan while EVM-based chains use Moonscan.io and Blockscout.io.

Roadmap: https://app.subsocial.network/@alice_und_bob/subscrape-releasing-v1-0-and-roadmap-for-v2-0-32075

The basic workflow of bin/scrape.py considers the configuration presented in data/scrape_config.json to traverse through the given chains and perform the operations for each chain. For Substrate, scraping extrinsics and transfers is supported.

Data is stored locally using SubscanDB and can be used to use the data and transform it. The application works in a way that subsequent runs will only fetch deltas.

bin/transfers_all_chains.py takes addresses and chains from data/transfers_config.json to create a CSV of all transfers associated with that accounts.




Error handling is not very sophisticated, so if the scrape is interrupted by an uncaught exception, the delta might be incomplete and subsequent runs might miss some data. To remedy the issue, the delta must be deleted and the scraper run again.



virtualenv venv venv\scripts\activate pip install -Ur .\PipRequirements.txt

API Keys

If you have a Subscan API key, drop it in a file named config/subscan-key. If you have a Moonscan.io API key, note that they are network-specific, so place it either in a file named config/moonscan-moonriver-key or config/moonscan-moonbeam-key. Blockscout does not need an API key.

Example applications

Here are several specific examples of how the subscrape library has been used in the past. There are several example application scripts in the /bin/ folder.

  • Prepare your taxable transactions - Use scrape.py and specify a list of accounts in your scrape_config.json (using operation account_transactions) to extract all transactions for an account. Multiple accounts and chains can be specified in the config file. Results are currently dumped to a JSON file in the data folder but later we can export this to a CSV file so you can import it into your favorite tax software which would match up transactions to calculate your capital gains.
  • Determine all accounts that have used a DEX - Use scrape.py and operation transactions in your scrape_config.json to extract a list of all addresses which have called a particular smart contract operation, such as making a trade on solarbeam.io. (In sample_scrape_config.json, see the Moonriver config to extract all transactions with contract 0xaa30ef758139ae4a7f798112902bf6d65612045f's method 0xe8e33700.)
  • Extract a list of all RMRK Skybreach land deeds which have been burned, and what Moonriver address they were redeemed to - See sample_rmrk_burns.py for an example script that looks for system remark calls which append a memo with an EVM (0x) address.
  • Extract all transfers across chains for an address - copy config/sample_transfers_config.json to config/transfers_config.json, customize as needed, and then run bin/transfers_all_chains.py to extract a list of all transfers for an address across all chains, which will be dumped into data/transfers.csv.

Using scrape.py as an application

  • copy config/sample_scrape_config.json to config/scrape_config.json
  • configure to your desire. See configuration
  • run scrape.py
  • corresponding files will be created in data/

Consuming scrape.py as a helper

  • from scrape import scrape
  • create a dict analogouos to config/sample_scrape_config.json
  • call it inline via scrape(config)