
deep dive into flink sql

Primary LanguageJava

Confluent Flink Sql deep dive

Here is a code repo for Confluent Flink Sql PoC with a customer.

A very popular SaaS company gathers telemetry data from websites and mobile apps to track user interactions and software and hardware performance.

There is a lot of telemetry data to be processed in realtime. At high level they analyze metrics of key data points in a 1 minute, 1 hour and 1 Day window.

Table of Contents

  1. Scope of the Use Case 1
  2. Scope of the Use Case 2

Scope of the Use Case 1

use case 1

. Create AVRO schema using AVRO IDL
. Generate mock AVRO data on Kafka topics.
. Create Flink Tables on Confluent Cloud
. Ingest data from a Kafka topic to a Flink Table.
. Write the SQL query to process data for the required analytics.

Note: Customer's AVRO schema had union semantics, currently there is no support for union in Flink SQL, and we decided to create our own schema replacing union with nullable attributes. This step may not be required if the schema was in a state acceptable by Flink Sql.

Step1> Create a schema using AVRO IDL

Avro IDL, is a higher-level language for creating Avro schema's.

For our Avro schema, we started with creating an IDL file, present in the avro-tools folder . Once the IDL is in an acceptable state we converted that to .avsc format using the cli avro-tools idl IDL_FILE SCHEMA_OUTPUT_FILE.

Note: This generates a schema in “protocol” format (messages, protocol). Most of the tooling (especially default java codegen) seems to expect a schema format without those fields. Some minimal editing of the avsc may be required if you are using a PROTOCOL, use CLI : avro-tools idl2schemata IDL_FILE OUTPUT_DIR

Step2> Produce AVRO data for the schema created

A sample framework is present in the folder : avro-datagen , where you compile the .avsc file and produce sample data

Use the following command to compile the code: mvn -Dcheckstyle.skip clean compile package

Step3> Create a FLink SQL table

The folder flink-sql has a file called flink_sql.sql.

CREATE TABLE newr_metrics_tbl (
  `account` INT,
  `timestampMs` TIMESTAMP(3),
  `durationMs` BIGINT,
  `metricName` STRING ,
  `counter` ROW<`cumulativeValue` BIGINT, `deltaValue` BIGINT>,
  `gauge` ROW<`min` DOUBLE, `max` DOUBLE, `sum` DOUBLE, `count` DOUBLE, `latest` DOUBLE>,
  `attributes` MAP<STRING, STRING>      

Step4> Ingest Data to Flink SQL

newr_metrics_tbl is the Flink table and newr_metrics is the kafka topic, on executing of this command a job is started on Flink. Which can be monitored on the Flink Dashboard.

INSERT INTO newr_metrics_tbl SELECT account,timestampMs,durationMs,metricName,counter, gauge, attributes  from newr_metrics;

Step5> SQL Analytics using Flink

INSERT INTO `metric-1m-aggregations` SELECT (account, metricName, attributes) AS `identity`,  sum(counter.deltaValue) AS `counter_deltaValue`, sum(gauge.`sum`) AS`gauge_sum`  from TABLE(TUMBLE(TABLE `newr_metrics_tbl` , DESCRIPTOR($rowtime), INTERVAL '1' MINUTES)) group by metricName, account, attributes;

Note: DESCRIPTOR($rowtime) is using $rowtime hence the ingestion time, if you want a custom watermark strategy change that time to event time, show later in the section

INSERT INTO `metric-1m-aggregations`
  sum(counter.deltaValue) AS `counter_delta`,
  LAST_VALUE(counter.cumulativeValue) AS `counter_cumulative`,
  min(gauge.`min`) AS `gauge_min`,
  max(gauge.`max`) AS `gauge_max`,
  sum(gauge.`sum`) AS `gauge_sum`,
  LAST_VALUE(gauge.`latest`) AS `gauge_latest`,
  sum(gauge.`count`) AS `gauge_count`
  FROM TABLE(TUMBLE(TABLE `metric-data-points` , DESCRIPTOR($rowtime), INTERVAL '1' MINUTES);

Custom WaterMark using Flink

FROM TABLE(TUMBLE(TABLE `newr_metrics_watermarked_tbl` , DESCRIPTOR(timestampMs), INTERVAL '1' MINUTES))
INSERT INTO `metric-1m-aggregations`
  window_start AS `window_ts`,
  TIMESTAMPDIFF(SECOND, window_start, window_end) AS `window_duration`,
    WHEN counter_cumulative IS NOT NULL THEN 'counter'
    WHEN gauge_sum IS NOT NULL THEN 'gauge_sum'
    ELSE 'other'
  END AS `metric_type`,
  metricName AS `metric_name`,
  sum(counter.deltaValue) AS `counter_delta`,
  LAST_VALUE(counter.cumulativeValue) AS `counter_cumulative`,
  min(gauge.`min`) AS `gauge_min`,
  max(gauge.`max`) AS `gauge_max`,
  sum(gauge.`sum`) AS `gauge_sum`,
  LAST_VALUE(gauge.`latest`) AS `gauge_latest`,
  sum(gauge.`count`) AS `gauge_count`
  FROM TABLE(TUMBLE(TABLE `metric-data-points` , DESCRIPTOR(timestampMs), INTERVAL '1' MINUTES))
  GROUP BY window_start, window_end, metricName, account, attributes);

Scope of the Use Case 2

High level scope is migrating existing OSS FLink SQL to CC Flink SQL ( details in the image) use case 2

Steps taken :

  1. Create Flink Tables ( details in the flink sql folder )
    Note : to delete a flink table : delete the kafka topic, its value schema and key schema
  2. To write data to a Flink table do the following
    . Take the schema from the kafka topic and compile them in the datagen utility here.
    Note : If you have keys in the Flink table, those attributes will be moved to the key schema. If you want to produce data for key and value. you have one of the following optioms.
    . Create a table with these properties
    CREATE TABLE t_joint (k INT, v STRING)
    WITH ('value.fields-include' = 'all');
    . Alter the producer schema ( merge key and value schema), and produce all data to a raw topic. As done in the usecase2. Data from ths raw topic can then be ingested to a Flink table.

Query/ Monitor/ Troubleshoot

. Monitor ( Also avaible on CC UI) https://api.telemetry.confluent.cloud/docs/descriptors/datasets/cloud
. Troubleshoot
If a flink query fails, you can check the logs. Also break the query into smaller chunks to analyze the sub/inner query.


https://docs.confluent.io/cloud/current/flink/concepts/comparison-with-oss-flink.html https://docs.confluent.io/cloud/current/flink/reference/statements/create-table.html#distributed-by-clause https://confluentinc.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/CPFundamentals/pages/3416785013/Flink+Setup+Hands+on https://confluentinc.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/~63bc5d3249a31f95b8733e8b/pages/3338865133/Flink+SQL+Examples+on+Confluent+Cloud to public docs