
Client for SeatGeek API

Primary LanguageJavaScript


The original project has been archived. This fork was created to address bugs in the original project.

SeatGeek Client

Coverage Status Build Status


A JavaScript client that serves as an interface layer on top of the SeatGeek API.

It allows fetching genre, performer, taxonomy, venue, and event information.


  • npm install seatgeek-client



Global Pagination Arguments

  • perPage
    • Represents the number of records to return.
    • Default value is 100.
  • page
    • Represents the page to query.
    • Default value is 1.

Fetch Genres

import {SeatGeekClient} from 'seatgeek-client';

let firstOneHundredGenresFromPage1 = SeatGeekClient.getGenres();
let firstTenGenresFromPage1 = SeatGeekClient.getGenres({perPage: 10});
let firstTenGenresFromPage2 = SeatGeekClient.getGenres({perPage: 10, page: 2});

Fetch Taxonomies

import {SeatGeekClient} from 'seatgeek-client';

let firstOneHundredTaxonomiesFromPage1 = SeatGeekClient.getTaxonomies();
let firstTenTaxonomiesFromPage1 = SeatGeekClient.getTaxonomies({perPage: 10});
let firstTenTaxonomiesFromPage2 = SeatGeekClient.getTaxonomies({perPage: 10, page: 2});

Fetch Performers

import {SeatGeekClient, Taxonomy, Genre} from 'seatgeek-client';

// this search will return all performers with
// id = 1 OR id = 2 OR id = 3
// slug = performer-slug-1 AND slug = performer-slug-2 (which should never happen)
// part of the NBA Taxonomy OR the Concert Taxonomy
// part of the Pop Genre AND the Classical Genre
// search on the response document for jaebaebae
let performersSearch = {
  ids: [1, 2, 3],
  slugs: ['performer-slug-1', 'performer-slug-2'],
  taxonomies: [Taxonomy.NBA, Taxonomy.CONCERT],
  genres: [Genre.POP, Genre.CLASSICAL],
  queryString: 'jaebaebae',
  perPage: 4,
  page: 5

let performers = SeatGeekClient.getPerformers(performersSearch);


  • ids
    • An array of performer ids to query for
    • An or search
    • Default value is an empty array
  • slugs
    • An array of performer slugs to query for
    • An and search
    • Default value is an empty array
  • taxonomies
    • An array of taxonomies to filter from
    • An or search
    • Default value is an empty array
  • genres
    • An array of genres to filter from
    • An and search
    • Default value is an empty array
  • queryString
    • A string to query against
    • Default behavior is an empty string

Fetch Venues

import {SeatGeekClient, Unit} from 'seatgeek-client';

// this search will return all venues with
// id = 1 OR id = 2 OR id = 3
// various location information (cityName, stateCode, etc.)
// use the ip address as the location to search venues on
// use the specified latitude and longitude
// only look for venues within a 6 mile radius
let venuesSearch = {
  ids: [1, 2 , 3],
  cityName: 'Boston',
  stateCode: 'MA',
  countryCode: 'USA',
  postalCode: '02122',
  queryString: 'WICKED PISSAH DOOD',
  useIpAddress: true,
  latitude: 4,
  longitude: 5,
  range: 6,
  unit: Unit.MILE,
  perPage: 7,
  page: 8,

let venues = SeatGeekClient.getVenues(venuesSearch);


  • ids
    • An array of venue ids to query for
    • Default value is an empty array
  • cityName
    • A string representing a city name
    • Default value is an empty string
  • stateCode
    • A string representing the ISO state code
    • Default value is an empty string
  • countryCode
    • A string representing the ISO country code
    • Default value is an empty string
  • useIpAddress
    • A boolean representing whether or not to use the IP address location to search for venues
    • Default value is false
  • latitude and longitude
    • Use coordinates to search for venues
    • Cannot specify just latitude or longitude
  • range
    • An integer representing the search radius distance
    • Default value is 10
  • unit
    • An enum representing the search radius distance unit
    • Default value is Unit.MILE because fuck you, rest of the world, with your logical unit system.

Fetch Events

import {SeatGeekClient, PerformerField, PerformerSpecificity, Taxonomy, TaxonomyField, Unit, SortOption, SortDirection, FilterOption, Operator} from 'seatgeek-client';

let query = {
  ids: [1, 2, 3, 4],
  venues: {
    ids: [5, 6, 7],
    cityName: 'Boston',
    stateCode: 'MA',
    countryCode: 'US',
    postalCode: '02144'
  performers: [
      field: PerformerField.ID,
      specificity: PerformerSpecificity.ANY,
      value: 8
      field: PerformerField.SLUG,
      specificity: PerformerSpecificity.PRIMARY,
      value: 'boston-celtics'
  taxonomies: [
      taxonomy: Taxonomy.NBA
      taxonomy: Taxonomy.CONCERTS,
      field: TaxonomyField.PARENT_ID,
  filters: [
      option: FilterOption.AVERAGE_PRICE,
      operator: Operator.LESS_THAN,
      value: 9
      option: FilterOption.LISTING_COUNT,
      operator: Operator.GREATER_THAN_OR_EQUAL_TO,
      value: 10
  geolocation: {
    useIpAddress: false,
    latitude: 10,
    longitude: 11,
    range: 12,
    unit: Unit.KILOMETER
  sort: {
    option: SortOption.ID,
    direction: SortDirection.ASCENDING
  perPage: 13,
  page: 14
let events = SeatGeekClient.getEvents(query);


  • ids
    • An array of event ids to query for
    • Default value is an empty array
  • venues
    • An object used to specify venue filtering
    • ids
      • An array of venue ids to query for
      • Default value is an empty array
  • cityName
    • A string representing a city name
    • Default value is an empty string
  • stateCode
    • A string representing the ISO state code
    • Default value is an empty string
  • countryCode
    • A string representing the ISO country code
    • Default value is an empty string
  • useIpAddress
    • A boolean representing whether or not to use the IP address location to search for venues
    • Default value is false
  • latitude and longitude
    • Use coordinates to search for venues
    • Cannot specify just latitude or longitude
  • range
    • An integer representing the search radius distance
    • Default value is 10
  • unit
    • An enum representing the search radius distance unit
    • Default value is Unit.MILE because fuck you, rest of the world, with your logical unit system.