
Contains basic Python drivers for accessing an Axis camera's MJPG stream. Also provides control for PTZ cameras.

Primary LanguagePythonBSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" LicenseBSD-3-Clause

axis_camera Build Status

!noetic python3 chnages

currently only the main axis.py node is ported and only anonymous access has been tested.


This ROS package provides an Axis network camera driver, written in Python.

ROS wiki documentation: axis_camera

This driver is under active development. Its ROS interfaces are relatively stable, but may still change.

There is no released code API.


The master branch normally contains code being tested for the next ROS release. It does not always work with previous ROS distributions. Sometimes, it may not work at all.

Each official release is tagged in the repository. The change history describes every version.