
A collection of webapp starter templates contained in separate branches.

MIT LicenseMIT


This repository is a base for different web application starters.

Each branch contains the foundations for building projects using different technologies.

I am putting them all in this repo as different branches because each branch is meant to be used as a template rather than considered a stand-alone project. To use any of the branches as a starter for a project, simply clone the repo, check out the branch you want, and use it to start a new project that you can store in a separate repo.


  • angular-grunt - angularjs 1.x with grunt and bower. This template is about 90% complete, but is mostly just here for posterity since technology has moved on from these tools.

  • jspm-starter - a simple template using JSPM and Babel with some basic infrastructure set up in a way that should be easy to add other technologies and frameworks to without too much hassle.