
Test case repo demoing issue with parcel and css modules

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Test case repo demoing issue with parcel and css modules

Demo app includes .postcssrc which sets modules: true turning on CSS modules. However, CSS modules are only applied to app.scss. Class names used in react components imported from packages in node_modules are not hashed with CSS modules.

Generated HTML:

Note: the foo class name from app.scss gets hashed / run CSS modules correctly. The classes from the imported react component, (button, emphasis, text-only) are added but are not hashed via CSS modules

<div class="_foo_1hhpg_1">
  <button class="button emphasis" type="button" aria-disabled="false">
    <span class="text-only">
      <span class="">Hello from React!</span>

Expected HTML output:

classes from the imported react component, (button, emphasis, text-only) are added and hashed via CSS modules being turned on in .postcssrc file.

<div class="_foo_1hhpg_1">
  <button class="_button_2jjfa_1 _emphasis_1ffga_2" type="button" aria-disabled="false">
    <span class="_text-only_1jafa_1">
      <span class="">Hello from React!</span>