
News Dashboard App Based on CRA

Primary LanguageCSS

Fluxara News App

Fluxara is a dashboard app based on the Create React App boilerplate for accessing a personalized and curated news feed

Live Version

link coming...


Deployed with Vercel but still in development for new features

  • Navigation Buttons to switch news articles in each tab
  • Framer Motion Animations for transitions
  • Minifying and Optimizing for quicker load times
  • Spinners and Loaders for async features
  • Persisting user data with firestore DB


clone with command "git clone https://github.com/Geller99/Fluxara.git"


run in command line with

npm start


Responsive CSS -- BEM naming Architecture

React Router + Framer Motion

React Testing Library

Hooks API

Axios API



Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.

Please make sure to update tests as also


Open Source