
Kohana 3 database log writer

Primary LanguagePHP

Kohana database log writer





Register the module in bootstrap.php:

	'dblog' => MODPATH.'dblog',

Create a database table, based on default.sql. Additional fields can be added.

If you want to store all Kohana::$log messages in the database too:

In bootstrap.php change (or add)

Kohana::$log->attach(new Kohana_Log_File(APPPATH.'logs'));


Kohana::$log->attach(new DBlog_Writer());

Make sure this line appears after the call of Kohana::modules().

Basic usage

DBlog::add('NOTICE', 'Log demo title', 'Log demo details: :params', array(':params' => chr(10).print_r($_GET, TRUE)));

Using additional fields

DBlog::add('category', 'title', 'details', array(), array(
	'client_ip' => getenv('REMOTE_ADDR'),
	'url' => getenv('REQUEST_URI'),

Using Log::instance() for writing messages

Log::instance()->add(Log::NOTICE, 'My Logged Message Here');

Module will try to find corresponding message level and save it as type (in the example above, Log::NOTICE will be translated to 'NOTICE').

Configuration (optional)

  • Copy modules/dblog/config/dblog.php to application/config/
  • You can change the log table name and pagination settings

Controller / rendering the log table

The controller should not be accessed directly. You can embed it in your controller with an internal request.

Example with Controller_Demo:

$this->template->content = Request::factory('dblog/index')->execute();

Ignoring certain log types

You can omit log entries of certain types (e.g. in production environments) by setting the static $omit_types property.

Example in bootstrap.php:

if (Kohana::$environment === Kohana::PRODUCTION)
	DBlog::$omit_types = array('NOTICE');


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