
URAP Project for Global Population Dynamics Database

Primary LanguageRBSD 2-Clause "Simplified" LicenseBSD-2-Clause


Build Status codecov.io CRAN_Status_Badge lifecycle Project Status: WIP - Initial development is in progress, but there has not yet been a stable, usable release suitable for the public.

This package provides an efficient way to access datasets in the Global Population Dynamics Database (GPDD) from the KNB website.

Quick start


gpdd can be installed with the following code:

install.packages("devtools")  # if you haven't installed the "devtools package"


This package contains one function gpdd, which takes one parameter table (the requested dataset) and returns the dataset. Allowed parameter inputs are "data", "main", "timeperiod", "taxon", "datasource", "biotope", and "location"; other inputs will raise an error. Example below:

# Default argument as "data".
data <- download_gpdd()

# Specifying the dataset to be downloaded.
location <- download_gpdd("location")