Encrypted repo setup

export BORG_PASSCOMMAND="security -q find-generic-password -l 'borgmatic version1' -w"
borg init --encryption=keyfile-blake2 <PATH>
borg config <PATH> additional_free_space 2G
borg config <PATH> max_segment_size 240M # needed for Box.com uploads

list the temp directory

umount ~/1st_temp/ || true

mount -t smbfs //bishbr@icdwpcoredfs01.peroot.com/Share/1st%20Temp ~/1st_temp
ls -ld ~/1st_temp/bishbr

1st_temp borg repo create

umount ~/1st_temp/ || true

mount -t smbfs //bishbr@icdwpcoredfs01.peroot.com/Share/1st%20Temp ~/1st_temp
mkdir -p ~/1st_temp/bishbr

export BORG_PASSCOMMAND="security -q find-generic-password -l 'borgmatic version1' -w"
borg init --progress --verbose --encryption=keyfile-blake2 ~/1st_temp/bishbr/borg
umount ~/1st_temp

Keyfile export to USB drive

borg key export ~/box/borg-encrypted /Volumes/sandisk/Artifacts/borg-encrypted.key

Release locking

Had to nuke some lock files after several failed backups

rm -f /Volumes/Redsandisk/borgmatic/lock.exclusive/*
rm -f /Volumes/Sandisk/borgmatic/lock.exclusive/*
rm -f ~/box/borgmatic/lock.exclusive/*
rm -f ~/.cache/borg/*