
Conway's Game of Life Simulation using P5.js

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Conway's Game of Life Simulation

This project is a simple implementation of Conway's Game of Life using p5.js, a JavaScript library for creative coding. The Game of Life is a cellular automaton devised by mathematician John Conway, where each cell in a grid evolves based on a set of simple rules.


Getting Started

  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone https://github.com/jcblanc2/Game-of-Life.git
    cd Game-of-Life
  2. Open index.html in a web browser or use a local server to run the simulation.


  • Random initialization of the grid with alive and dead cells.
  • Evolution of the grid according to the rules of Conway's Game of Life.
  • Display of time elapsed, population count, and generation number.


  • Starting the Simulation:

    • Open index.html in a web browser.
    • The simulation will start with a randomly generated initial state.
  • Controls:

    • No user controls implemented. The simulation evolves automatically.


  • Adjust cellSize variable in the script to change the size of each cell.
  • Modify createInitialState function to customize the initial grid configuration.