Kickoff Webapp


Project Description:

Characteristics of the Repo:

  • Hosted in our Github organization
    • All students have a fork
  • Setup process is documented in
  • CI runs on PR creation/update
    • pytest
    • linting
  • CD runs on PR merge
    • deploy script runs on AWS instance
  • requirements.txt contains the python libraries needed
  • database access is encapsulated (pushed to the periphery)
  • src and tests folders, module for app


We are going to make a basic system to query a document database and give back results


  • Web interface: search bar that queries server and displays results
  • Document DB as the backend
  • Flask server
  • Gunicorn
  • Dockerized

detailed system


Use the command make to run the Makefile. The Makefile will call pytest and pylint to test and lint the system.

Docker Commands:

To run the dockerized version of the system utilizing Node.js:

  • Run docker-compose build
  • Run docker-compose up