This is a rewrite of APIC in angular 10
This is generated via angular cli. Run ng serve
for a dev server. Navigate to http://localhost:4200/
APIC is a free open-source solution that can help you in API Designing, API Testing (even during designing), API Documentation, Simulating your API response for the frontent team etc.
To know more about APIC please visit
- Defining your API endpoints, request parameters, request headers and response schema. Know more here.
- Defining reusable model definitions using a powerful schema builder. more >>
- You can also start writing tests for your APIs even during API designing. And the best part is you can do that even writing a single line of code just from the UI. more >>.
- Use the API Simulator so that your frontend team can keep working even if the API is not ready. more >>.
- Obviously test your APIs
- Test Web Sockets,, STOMP and Server Sent Events (SSE)
- Using Environment variables to switch between environments like local, Dev, QA, Pre-prod etc.
- Response schema validation as per your API design.
- Add tests to your APIs directly from the response or if you want to get more technical use Chai.js to write tests.
- Create Test Projects and Test Suites to test various API scenarios and export test report.
- Add your Test Suites to your CI/CD platform with apic-cli.
Once your API design is done APIC automatically converts your APIs designs into beautiful functional documentations that will help others to get on board faster. You can even share it with the world by publishing it online with APIC.
- Free teams and sharing feature
- Real-time update of changes made to API projects/Tests among team members.
- Importing/Export of everything you have created in APIC.
- No need to install anything. Available as a web app. But also available as Chrome extension, Windows exe and Mac dmg.
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