
Energy market data access platform

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

OpenNEM Energy Market Data Access

NOTE: This is the backend project For the client python project see opennem/opennempy

Tests codecov

The OpenNEM project aims to make the wealth of public National Electricity Market (NEM) data more accessible to a wider audience.

This toolkit enables downloading, mirroring and accessing energy data from various networks

Project homepage at https://opennem.org.au

Available on Docker at https://hub.docker.com/r/opennem/opennem

Currently supports:


  • Python 3.7+ (see .python-version with pyenv)
  • Docker and docker-compose if you want to run the local dev stack


With poetry:

$ poetry install
$ source .venv/bin/activate
$ ./init.sh

With pip + venv:

$ pip -m venv .venv
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
$ source .venv/bin/activate
$ ./init.sh


You can install this project with python pip:

$ pip install opennem

Or alternatively with docker:

$ docker pull opennem/opennem

Bundled with sqlite support. Other database drivers are optional and not installed by default. Install a supported database driver:


$ pip install psycopg2

Install Extras

The package contains extra modules that can be installed:

$ poetry install -E postgres

The list of extras are:

  • postgres - Postgres database drivers
  • server - API server


List the crawlers

$ scrapy list


$ scrapy crawl au.nem.current.dispatch_scada


This project uses the new pyproject.toml project and build specification file. To make use of it use the poetry tool which can be installed on Windows, MacOS and Linux:


Installation instructions for Poetry are at:


By default poetry will install virtual environments in your home metadata directory. A good alternative is to install the venv locally for each project with the following setting:

$ poetry config virtualenvs.in-project true

This will create the virtual environment within the project folder in a folder called .venv. This folder is ignored by git by default.

Setting up a virtual environment and installing requiements using Poetry:

$ poetry install

To activate the virtual environment either run:

$ poetry shell

Or you can just activate the standard venv

$ source .venv/bin/activate

Settings are read from environment variables. Environment variables can be read from a .env file in the root of the folder. Setup the environment by copying the .env.sample file to .env. The defaults in the sample file map to the settings in docker-compose.yml

There is a docker-compose file that will bring a local database:

$ docker-compose up -d

Bring up the database migrations using alembic:

$ alembic upgrade head

Run scrapy in the root folder for options:

$ scrapy

The opennem cli interface provides other options and settings:

$ opennem -h

Settings for Visual Studio Code are stored in .vscode. Code is kept formatted and linted using pylint, black and isort with settings defined in pyproject.toml


Tests are in tests/

Run tests with:

$ pytest

Run background test watcher with

$ ptw

Build Release

The script build-release.sh will tag a new release, build the docker image, tag the git version, push to GitHub and push the latest release to PyPi

Architecture overview

This project uses Scrapy to obtain data from supported energy markets and SQLAlchemy to store data, and Alembic for database migrations. Database storage has been tested with sqlite, postgres and mysql.

Overview of scrapy architecture:

Code Navigation

  • Spider definitions in opennem/spiders
  • Processing pipelines for crawls in opennem/pipelines
  • Database models for supported energy markets are stored in opennem/db/models

Deploy Crawlers

You can deploy the crawlers to the scrapyd server with:

$ scrapyd-deploy

If you don't have that command and it isn't available install it with:

$ pip install scrapyd-client

Which installs the scrapyd-client tools. Project settings are read from scrapy.cfg


The OpenNEM project is packaged with a number of example Jupyter notebooks demonstrating use of the API and library. The dependancies to run notebooks are found in requirements_notebooks.txt in the root folder. The example notebooks are contained in notebooks and there is a configured Jupyter profile in .jupyter.

To set it up first install the requirements, and then start the Jupyter server

$ source .venv/bin/activate
$ pip install -r requirements_notebooks.txt
$ jupyter notebook