Setting up a machine for development involves a LOT of dependencies and time
- Homebrew
- Textmate + Bundles
- Git
- Adium
- Skitch
- MacPorts
- Skype
- Chrome
- Firefox
- Sequel Pro
- Mailplane
- GitX
- Dropbox
- Things
- MacVIM
- Lots of brews
- Set up Skitch to store all settings and images in Drop Box (by symlinking)
- RVM + standard rubies + gems
- latest MacRuby (should do it through RVM)
- MySQL / Postgres (through brew)
- Growl
- MockSMTP
- Setup dot-files
- Installs Colemak
- Developer Tools + iPhone SDK/XCode
- "after" steps for homebrew installations (e.g. launchctl stuff)
- MacVIM 'mvim' command (macvim brew is failing and .app template ignores all but the .app in source zip/tgz)
- Configure iTerm colours to match railscasts them
- MacVIM plugins
- Passenger
- Firefox extensions (firebug esp)
- Chrome extensions
- Set up iChat to have Bonjour (always on)
- Backspace on capslock hack
- Add Colemak input option (
- Set as default
- Change the keyboard shortcut
- Bind / DNSMasq
- LaunchBar
- AppCleaner
- Fluid
- SizeUp
- TextMate ProjectPlus plugin
- Teleport
- Telefrag + AppleScript hack to inject
- PrefPanes
- Perian
- Passenger
- DTerm (
- Customised Terminal profiles (
- Visor (
- Blurminal (
defaults write ‘Blurminal Radius’ -float 1.0
- ANSI colours (
- terminal keyboard shortcuts: (
- PlugSuit (
- Common fonts
- PeepOpen
- Permissions for /Library/{Perl,Ruby,Python} corrected as per
wiki page - Pretty much everything in:
- Global rvm gems:
- pg
- mysql
- open_gem
- Set up Adium, Skype, iChax logs to sync through Drop Box (by symlinking)
- Brews that require launchctl installations should install the scripts and load them!
- App License (from dropbox)
- 1password: ~/Library/1Password/License/
- Configure menu extras: defaults read
- Get the slocate database running: sudo launchctl load -w /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/
- Add zsh and bash brews to /etc/shells
- Set zsh as default shell (from brew)
sudo ln -s /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/Apple80211.framework/Versions/Current/Resources/airport /usr/sbin/airport
- turn universal access on (for applescripting interfaces, etc)
- Set up file/folder reference patterns in TextMate
- Set default file type of Textmate to ruby:
defaults write com.macromates.textmate OakDefaultLanguage E00B62AC-6B1C-11D9-9B1F-000D93589AF6
- sudo sysctl -w kern.sysv.shmall=65536
- sudo sysctl -w kern.sysv.shmmax=16777216
- Use Sparkle RSS locations to get the latest version of each app for download so versions don't need to be maintained
- Standard way to apply licenses to everything?
- use
system_profiler SPApplicationsDataType
to get a list of all installed applications
- Make tmbundles UPDATE to latest (regardless if a version exists or not)
- Make process_sources be smarter regarding git (so a .zip or a git:// url can be provided)
- Use system_profiler to check if .apps get properly installed